Poor guy

Anna was still alseep when she was woken up by her phone ringing beside the bed. Mo Xing rolled over and brought the phone over for her. She took the phone sleepily and placed it on her ears lazily.

Mo Xing chuckled and helped her secure it in place before anna said sleepily, "Hello?"

Bobo's panicked voice came through, "Anna? What did you do?"

Anna woke up, "What do you mean?"

Bobo sighed, "Look at your social media. Someone has written an article that you are having an affair with some director!"

Anna quickly woke up and grabbed her phone, her heart pounding with a mixture of confusion and concern. 

She quickly opened her social media pages and scrolled down. Her eyes widened in disbelief at the headline that greeted her. For some reason, it looked the same as the tabloid Angel, the makeup artist, was reading back then!

In the tabloid, her namne had not been mentioned but in this, it was mentioned clearly!