
Sophia stood up and walked away when she said her piece. She was too angry to care about anything other than her rage.

Before she even took two steps, she felt someone turning her body back. Before she could register what was happening, a harsh slap had already landed on her face!

She saw stars.

Ryan was hovering on top of her with a sinister smile and she could hear gasps from the other students gathered around.

He was ugly and muddy and quite boring to look at yet his eyes were red from anger.

Sophia held her aching cheek while she saw some boys trying to stop Ryan from advancing any further towards her.

Ryan pushed them away while yelling, "Let go! I have to teach this stupid bitch a lesson today!"

He knew there was nothing to lose now. They would go down no matter what so he put everything into his hands and readied it for a punch!

The speed was incredible and Sophia would definitely lose a few teeth if it landed.