
Chairman Lee did not like the idea of making Anna suffer. He had seen with his own eyes just how much Mo xing adored her and how much she loved him. Breaking them apart would be a very cruel thing to do!

"Is there no other way?" he asked.

Ming Mimi shook her head, "No."

Chairman Lee tried to reason with her, "What if you tell your dad that your own daughter is married to the grandson of the person that ruined his life! I believe that could help. Does he even know about Anna?"

Ming Mimi's demeanour changed when she heard that. She could not believe that Chairman Lee would even bring up something like that. She knew very well what her own father was capable of.

If he told you to jump the right answer would only be 'How high?'

if he heard that his own grand-daughter was involved with the family he hated the most then she could not imagine the chaos that would ensue.