Acting like a gangster

The next day, Anna woke up very early in the morning and put on a very sharp, blue suit. Her white shirt was crisp while her makeup was in the minimal. Today was the day she was going to meet her enemies and she needed to do it well. Dressing the part was just the first step!

Bella had slept at her house so she was left with the kids. Ming Mimi knew better than to try and pull another stunt again. Anna's warning was loud—if ever she tried something stupid, many things would blow up!

Anna walked outside. She was going to drive herself today. She had asked the Ming Family out for a meeting. It was funny because they were all a family yet the only way they would meet was if they made an appointment with each other.

The Ming Family had misbehaved lately so even if an appointment was not made, Anna was very sure she would not have met with them!