Cat and dog fighting

One reporter laughed, "Oh you mean who you were? Have you forgotten that you're no longer the untouchable queen of the Ming Empire? Your reign of tyranny is over, Ming Yin, and no amount of shouting or posturing will change that."

Ming Yin's face contorted with rage as she struggled against the firm grip of the police officers. "How dare you speak to me like that! I built this empire with my own two hands, and I won't let a bunch of lowly reporters tarnish my legacy."

Another reporter chimed in, their tone dripping with sarcasm. "Legacy? More like a trail of destruction and exploitation. Your family's businesses have caused untold suffering, Ming Yin. You can't hide from the truth forever."

Ming Yin's nostrils flared as she shot daggers with her eyes at the reporters. "You think you can judge me? You're nothing but vultures, feeding off the scraps of others' misfortune. You wouldn't know greatness if it slapped you in the face."