she wanted him to come back

Anna leaned on the door and a fresh wave of sadness overcame her. Every time she saw him, she was reminded that she would never ever see Mo Xing again and the hate inside her heart would intensify so much that it felt as if her heart would burst with hate!

She hated every single member of the Ming Family with a passion she did not know existed. They were the living proof that she would forever spend her life all alone!

They took Mo Xing away from her so easily because he was better than them, because he was in a position they wanted him not to hold! They did not think for a second that that was the man she loved!

Ming Ru Song was a reminder that she was never going truly whole, that the happiness she would ever feel in the future was some half-hearted shit because only Mo Xing could make her truly happy and he was no nowhere near her!