Your French is très bien!

 Anna did not know a lot of French but she knew the greetings. She smiled politely as well and replied, "Bonjour, Philippe. It's nice to meet you."

Philippe's grin widened, clearly pleased with her attempt. "Your French is très bien," he complimented, his eyes twinkling with genuine warmth.

Anna blushed slightly. "Thank you, but I still have a lot to learn."

Philippe chuckled. "Well, I'm here to help with that," he said with a wink, before turning to greet Lin Yufan with equal enthusiasm.

Philippe was very handsome. He had a classical charm that seemed almost out of a romantic novel. His features were striking, a blend of rugged masculinity and refined elegance. His hair was a dark, rich brown, slightly tousled in a way that looked effortlessly stylish. It fell just above his ears, with a few strands perpetually out of place, giving him a carefree, adventurous aura.