A tryst with the French beauty

Philippe chuckled. He realized he might like Anna's personality more than he thought he did. She was vibrant and not at all like the media sometimes portrayed her to be. She was very thoughtful which was a rare combination when it came to most famous people.

Anna did not know but she was very famous here in France especially after that single film that propelled her to fame. That was how Philippe came to know about her. for him, this project that they were doing was like a dream come true. He had hoped that one day he would get the honour of working with such a talented actress. Ever since, he had been following news regarding her closely and he also knew about her husband, Mo Xing and his accident.

He felt a pang of pity for her. she was so young yet she had already become a widow and especially with two kids left in her care. Even if she had all the money in the world, it was still a bit difficult for her to navigate everything all by herself.