She is outshining me!

As they walked in, they were greeted by a host who led them to the main hall. The room was beautifully decorated, with chandeliers casting a warm glow and tables adorned with elegant center pieces. A DJ was playing upbeat music, and the dance floor was already filled with people enjoying the night.

"Anna! You made it!" exclaimed a designer she admired, rushing over to hug her.

"Thank you," Anna replied, returning the embrace. "Your collection was absolutely stunning."

The designer beamed with pride. "I'm so glad you think so. It means a lot coming from you."

They chatted for a few moments, exchanging compliments and stories from the day. Anna felt a sense of camaraderie and excitement, knowing she was among friends and fellow creatives. The after-party was the perfect way to unwind after a hectic day, and she was determined to enjoy every moment of it.