We know who it was

The designer was Lu Ju Ri. She had been a part of Mo Fashion ever since it was started and she was doing a phenomenal job with it. She came over and called everyone after everything had calmed down. She had tears in her eyes when she spoke, "Honestly, I couldn't be prouder of what we've achieved tonight. Mo Fashion has always been about pushing boundaries and celebrating individuality, and tonight we did just that."

She paused to wipe away a tear, her voice trembling with emotion. "This show was more than just a debut; it was a statement. It was about showing the world that our creativity and hard work can create something truly magical. Each one of you played an essential role in making this possible, and I am deeply grateful."

The room was filled with applause and cheers. The models, stylists, and everyone involved in the show felt a surge of pride and camaraderie. Lu Ju Ri turned to Anna, her eyes shining with gratitude.