difficult situation

"Lulu! Lulu! Lulu!"

Cindy was laughing as she chanted too while Alexander was looking at her with a soft smile of his face.

Lulu was very excited with the dare. She had a social media account where she did some dance tutorials and it seemed Stanley had found her account which was the reason he asked her to dance.

He really like her dance moves and he thought that she was an excellent dancer.

She walked towards the pole amidst shouts and cheers. Someone from the crowd took out his phone and played some music.

The mood was heavily lifted when Lulu started to dance!

she was so good and her body was moving so fluidly that everyone gasped in shock!

"Is that my innocent Lulu? Why is she so good at this? She looks like a completely different person!"

One person shouted.

"You are right!" another replied, "She is the excellent material if she ever wants to join Sterling Entertainment! Her talent needs to be seen by millions!"