
Anna knew that some part of it was going to be completed today so she got ready. The first sequence was just Lin Yufan fighting against Timothe. She would be involved a little. Her sequence would come next when Timothe's men would start ganging up against Lin Yufan's character. It was a very interesting scene and she was looking forward to it very much.

After everything was set, the scene finally started…


The action sequence resumed with an electrifying energy that buzzed through the set. The crew readied themselves, cameras poised to capture every intense moment. Anna and Lin Yufan took their positions, both of them embodying their characters with a fierce determination.

Fei Hua moved like a shadow, her movements fluid and precise. She ducked under Skippy's swinging fist, landing a sharp elbow to his ribs. Skippy grunted but quickly recovered, throwing a rapid series of punches that Fei Hua expertly parried.