Everything you need to know

the table to her. "Inside, you'll find information about some last-minute schedule adjustments, security concerns, and notable attendees. Given your high profile, we thought it was crucial for you to be well-informed."

Anna opened the folder, her hands trembling slightly. Inside were various documents, photos, and notes, all detailing the changes and potential issues related to the event. It was overwhelming, but she could see the importance of being prepared.

"Why did they send you?" Anna asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Because you have a right to know," Lucas replied. "And because your team believes that your influence can help mitigate some of these risks. You're well-connected and respected in the industry. Your involvement can make a significant difference."

Anna's mind was racing. The thought of attending Paris Fashion Week was already exciting, but now it came with a sense of urgency and responsibility. "What do we need to do?"