Mo Xing deserves to know

The truth was that Mo Xing had already regained his memories a long time ago and Liang had found out in the funniest ways possible!

Mo Xing had been using a small gadget to communicate with someone from oversees and it was something that someone who had no idea what it was could not control it. It took an expert and Liang was starting to feel like Mo Xing had not lost his memories at all!

He was a very formidable person who had just survived a plane crash so Liang could not believe that the man was completely oblivious of the things going around him.

The only thing was that Mo Xing still had that was stopping him from going back home was the ghastly wound on his stomach. He was worried that if he showed up like this then those who cared about him would be worried.

The wound was healing at a slower rate because it was deep. It was also why Liang had told Mo Xing earlier that he should go rest as it was the most important thing for him!