It was you!

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

Shouts were heard from all over the place. The village was in chaos. It was almost getting dark yet the orange from the fire illuminated the whole place!

Someone screamed, "Fang Bin's house is on fire! Where is she?"

The chaos could not be contained as all of the villagers were trying to ascertain the best way to put it out.

Fang Bin's younger brother, Fang Xin, pushed through the panicked crowd, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been with Zhou Ling, who was keeping him company. They had stayed at home for some few minutes but Fang Bin was still not here. Zhou Ling had told him they could go and get ice cream before Fang Bin got back from where she had gone to!

He immediately agreed but when they came back, their house was on fire!

"Fang Bin! Fang Bin!" he shouted, his voice raw with fear and urgency. He could still not see Fang Bin anywhere!