It is his fault for never loving me!

Liang spoke for a very long time. Wei was already bored so he was yawning to try and tell Liang to hurry up. Liang caught on and coughed, 'Okay, everyone, I know this is the part all of you have been waiting for!"

He looked around the crowd and all he saw was everyone rolling their eyes. It was very clear that no one was actually waiting for this moment!

If anything, everyone wanted this wedding to fail so badly!

Liang shouted, 'The vows!"

Zhou Ling was the first one to start. She looked at Mo Xing lovingly, "Brother Mo…"

Her eyelashes fluttered. Fang Bin almost puked when she saw that. She was still holding on to that hard bread and she was grinding it so hard that it was almost becoming flour!

Zhou Feng was close to Mo Xing so he could see everything. When Zhou Ling called Mo Xing just now, he saw his eyebrows twitch. The motion was very subtle, it was as if he had already seen it before!