You ruined everything yourself!

As soon as he said that there were gasps when three of the men went over to fight Mo Xing. They looked angry that their master had been subdued in such a manner. Zhou Ling, who was still in awe about what was happening could not form any words to describe how she felt.

Just as the three men were about to reach Mo Xing, three shots rang out in quick succession. The men dropped to the floor, blood pooling beneath their lifeless bodies, each shot having found its mark directly in their foreheads. A chill ran down the spines of everyone in the hall. Women screamed and scrambled for cover, terrified of the unseen shooter.

Mo Xing's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the fallen men. He knew the shooter, but he refused to believe it until he saw for himself. He quickly looked up at the door and saw the silhouette of a woman he knew so well. An unspoken feeling tugged at his heart; he could not believe what he was seeing.