Going Forward

When the nightsky started to dwindle on the morning glow of the sun, two warriors stepped inside the forest. The bloody moonless night had passed. It's time to 'harvest' inside.

This term 'harvest', people are looking forward to it. After the dark night, a prey's body being defeated by its predator would linger on the forest. Mosts warrior would take their time to dissect the animal's body and find some valuable parts of it. If they were lucky and found a big one, they could trade its remaining meat to market, the scales were also a tradable luxury and could pitch a high price. Along with the fangs and the furs.

After the moonless night, people and warriors are scampering to get their way inside.

However, this night was different.

Or should they say, blessed?

Bodies of enormous animals and wild beast lurking on the path. The size where enormous that they would really think that it's the predator's body.