Night Retrieval

Shang Shui made a retrieval operation of the prisoners being caged at the moment, after the incident of the beast attacking the manor. Although the 'Unearthly Prison of the Dead' was located near the forest, the twist and turns of the path were like a maze until one would be able to reach the destination.

The opposition was divided into two: The offense and the lookout.

Those who remain on the offense group would be the one to sneak inside and get the prisoners.

Those on the look-out would only need to secure the escape route safe and open, moreover to report any possible abnormalities on the Deputy's side.

Qin Yu, the man didn't let himself be on the defense group rather, he insisted to be on her group. Su Ci Yi was assigned on the offensive stance. Along with Sang Shui and Ting Lin. Jing Sang and Tian Xuo were on the defensive stance.