Gao Xiao's Demise II

Gao Xiao didn't expect that Lingua Liu could go out of the cave and broke the seal. He was confident that it won't get broken knowing that it was an ancient array that was specially made for the stronger beasts lurking inside the forest. He's too relaxed about the situation, and now it resulted in this unpredictable situation.

Lingua Liu stepped up and looked towards him in disapproving eyes.

"Do you have anything to say? Will you just going to accept these accusations?"

Gao Xiao scoffed in order to hide his uneasiness. "What can I say more? I bet you knew everything?"

Lingua Liu didn't expect this child to have a stubborn side. The child he adopted a long time ago was humble and flexible. The one who knew how to deal with the situation and had an upstanding leadership skill. So how come this child reduced to this?

Lingua Liu deeply sigh. He calmed his sensitive emotion and huffed away his raging feelings temporarily.