The Black Hole

Baronette had long felt that Su Ming's cursed had been broken. Although it was like that, she didn't panic at all. Instead, her mood was calm as the serene water.

Nothing could make her mood unstable.

Even if that woman would remember everything, she won't be able to do anything at it.

After all, what could a mortal woman can do against an immortal?

Baronette sipped the remaining glass of vintage wine in her hands. Drawing closer to the magenta drape window, she looked at the dark night that almost swallow the city.

Living the topmost hotel room, Baronette could almost see all the miniature buildings below. Like a myriad sparkling stone with its lights still open.

When will her Lord woke up, anyway?

She could already sense that the day is getting nearer. Sensing that it was in the near future, a bud of excitement appeared in her chest.

She had been waiting for almost a century. Now, it's time to wake up.