Chapter 10: Break

"What? Why? Where are you?" I told him the address as well as what happened to the party.

I heard JP cursed before he turned off the phone. After 30 minutes JP arrived with Rayne, Ian's sister. Rayne looked at me intently before looking at her brother.  She didn't say anything but somehow I felt guilty and ashamed. I've never felt so insecure and so low in my entire life. Not until now.

"Drive my car and we'll take care of Ian." JP gave me his car keys and took Ian car keys.

"I'll drive. Just...keep him still in the backseat." Rayne took the car keys from JP, opened the car door and didn't even bother to look at me. JP managed to transfer Ian from the passenger seat to the back seat of the car. I opened the car door to assist him.  

"We'll talk after this Jihann. Go directly to our house. Mom is waiting." JP opened the backseat door and sit beside Ian. I just looked at them while the car drives away from me.

I don't know how long I've been standing on the parking lot. When I finally got hold of myself I realized what JP had said. I got suddenly become nervous at the realization. Once Aunt Joanne found out what happened, she would surely informe Daddy. I don't know what Dad would do, or maybe he will again exile me to another place.

But I can't do anything about it. Might as well face Aunt Joanne. I drive JP's car to their house and indeed Aunt Joanne is already waiting for me at the front door. She didn't say anything when I entered their house.

I saw her husband Uncle JC sitting in the sofa in the living. My heart is already beating so fast and I know I am in a really deep shit.

I prepared myself for the lecture and faced Aunt Joanne btu her reaction shocked me.

"Shit! Why you have a lot of scratches in your face?" She exclaimed. I automatically touched my face and felt the sting. I grimaced.

"It's nothing Auntie." I bite my lower lip and pressed my lips.

Aunt Joanne didn't believe me a bit. She called her helpers to get the first aid kit. She gently tended the scratches in my face, neck and arms. She didn't ask about what happened. But I know better. She is just taking her time. She is so like Dad, that's why I'm becoming more anxious as time goes by.

"Tell us what happened Jihann." She gently said like she's talking to a kid. I told her everything and I tried to be as honest as I can.

"Why did you attend that kind of party? And worst, you brought along Ian with you! What will Tamako and Krizza say if something bad will happen to Ian? I know you are brought up differently in the US. I know you also have a wild streak in you. Johann told us of your escapades in the US but you cannot keep that attitude here and don't drag good people in your kind of activities." She learly said with emphasis on every word. I just kept quiet and didn't say a word.

"Jo...calm down." Uncle JC said.

"Ian is now at the hospital and you expect me to be calm?" She snapped at her husband.

"Your Dad will hear about this Jihann." She said before she stood up.

"I understand Auntie. I'm going." I also stood up and they both looked at me puzzled.

"You can stay here. It's already late, you better rest." Uncle JC said gently.

"It's okay Uncle. I will borrow JP's car. I'll bring it back tomorrow." I didn't wait for their reply. I walked towards the door and out of their house. I didn't bring JP's car. I left the key to the guard and hailed a taxi.

I felt tired when I arrived at my condo but I didn't sleep. I opened my laptop and logged in to my email and  composed a long email to Daddy. I told him the whole story from the start to finish. After I sent the email, I took a bath and sleep.

The next day, I didn't attend school. I turned off my cellphone and I didn't open my laptop. I just lay on my bed and eat the whole day. The following day, I skip school again but I opene my laptop to have a skype chat with my Dad. I was kind of shock when he didn't scold me. Instead, he even asks how I was.  Mom and I also talked and I kno that she is very worried. She is always worried.

After I talked to them I turned off my laptop, ignoring the other messages and calls. I took a shower, wear my sneakers and jogging pants. I wanted to have a jog right now. It's been a long time and right now, I know that I needed it. I needed to think.

I jogged around for an hour and went back to my condo. When I went out of the elevator, I stood frozen when I saw Ian leaning on the wall in front of my condo.

"You have a key. Why didn't you get in?" I said while unlocking the door. I didn't dare look at him.

"Your phone is off and you're not answering my messages on facebook." He accused but I didn't say anything. I went inside and let him follow me. I headed to the kitchen and get some water. I can sense his presence not far from me. I feel like suffocating.

"Jihann answer me." He demanded.

"You didn't ask any questions." I said as calm as I possibly can.

"Why are you not replying to my messages? Why is your phone off? I didn't hear anything about you since that party. If it's about what happened at the party..." I cut him off and looked at him straight in the eye.

"I need a break up Ian."