Honest Review
Read this thing on a whim purely because of the title. Must say it was surprisingly good!
The Good: The story is unique and reasonably well flushed out. The author also appears to have at least proofread their own work as the grammar was quite good.
The Bad: The title and book cover are awful... I do admit the title drew me to it though. I had a hard time grasping what the world was like, but that might be just me.
The Neutral: The romance felt shoe-horned in and the interactions between the characters didn't seem natural, granted a lot of them were being controlled so I guess that was understandable.
Honest Review Read this thing on a whim purely because of the title. Must say it was surprisingly good! The Good: The story is unique and reasonably well flushed out. The author also appears to have at least proofread their own work as the grammar was quite good. The Bad: The title and book cover are awful... I do admit the title drew me to it though. I had a hard time grasping what the world was like, but that might be just me. The Neutral: The romance felt shoe-horned in and the interactions between the characters didn't seem natural, granted a lot of them were being controlled so I guess that was understandable.
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