its all stardust baby

I watch the stars burn, I watch as they are born to when they die. I watch as universes come to be and I watch as they decay to nothing. I am the darkness that lurk within the shadow, the dark that composes the night, the emptiness between each taught.

I have an enemy. it is the light, it brightens when a star is born and dims when it dies, it shines when universes begin and darkens when they die. It is that which dances for all to see, it is the glowing warmth that dwells within the heart, it is the light that composes the day.

I've never liked the light. it is abrasive, pushy and noisy. Everywhere it goes others follow, beings of differing powers and appearances. They divide themselves Into what they call races, they wield energy called magic with their body and mind. They create machines to assist them In controlling energies their bodies and mind cannot. They live within the debre that linger after the creation of a universe.

They love the light, they carry it wherever they go, Interrupting my silence. The light loves them in returned , it grants them sight to gaze upon the universes. Personally I don't approve of such a gift. With the gift of sight they grow curious,they wonder what's beyond the horizon. Such curiosity will bring them knowledge. I just know the noise will only become louder.

Despite my displeasure with these noisy beings. I have a favorite, they call themselves drakown the other races call them dragon. they are far more silent than the others, perhaps its because they sleep far longer They are feared for their power and destained for their pride. Those that have great control of the energy called magic are jealous of the drakown's superior understanding and manipulation of it.

The light also have a favorite, they are called fairies. tiny beings (compared to the others) with wings which resemble those of butterflies. Different fairies glow with different light every flap of their wings stir the elements from stagnation. Their mastery of magic second only to the drakown. tho their mastery of the elements compensates.

I do not like the fairies they are few yet the noisiest.

Recently a small number of those beings have been trying to communicate with me. They call themselves gods. Using the power of magic they compose and concoct spell that disturbs the flow of time, violate the concept of space, ravaged the fabric of reality and stir the uncertainty that is existence.

I prefer not to converse with them, tho I am curious as to how their magic mastery surpassed the drakowns and their elemental mastery surpassed the fairies.

Reluctantly I allow their attempt to work. Perhaps I can persuade them to be in favor silence.

I perceive the magic energy fluctuations, I try to decipher their method of communication, but to no avail.

Concluding that understanding them will take time I decide to respond curious of the outcome.

I mimic the method they first used. But instead of magical energy as the conduit for intent transmission I Use darkness. I am unable to utilise magical energy I intend to uncover why in another instance yet to pass.

The beings that call themselves gods seem to be bewildered by my intent. All I intend is for silence. Frightened the gods tremble. It appears that the god which manages the spell or is it Incantation, well they did create it using alchemy,enchanting and other application of magic although its redundant. starts to become corrupted by what seemed to be darkness. Tendrils darker than night itself squirmed up the male gods muscular hand working its way across his entire body.