Chapter 10 – Hell have No fury Like Mother Scolding

The sun that was high in the air was currently lowering below to welcome the moon. The clouds were gathering towards the west. The birds of the forest were heading home to rest. All of this was happening while Ender was slowly gaining consciousness.

"The setting sun really is great to see from up here… The setting sun? Wait the sun is setting? If I don't get home soon mother will kill me!" Ender rapidly started jumping down from tree branch to not noticing that his body felt lighter and easier to move. Once he jumped down he picked up his wooden sword before bolting his way out of the forest using ether to move his legs all.

What would have took him over an hour to exit the forest and reach the village was shortened to 15 minutes. Though Ender did end up having scrapes, bruises, and his clothes were ruined he was able to make it home before sunset.

All of this but Ender still had to fight an existence he could not win against. That existence was his mother Millie. As soon as Millie saw Ender she started scolding him. Pulling Ender's ear she dragged him inside, "Ow ow ow ow, mom your going to pull my ear off." Ender agonized.

Millie retorted back, "You still got the will to complain, huh." Pulling Ender's ear more, "You come back at sunset with ragged clothes, bleeding from scrapes, and bruised up. Maybe if I pull off your ear you can listen better. Did you know that Percy and Alice came over after hearing you were running around the village? I had thought you were with them."

At this moment the door to the front door was opened by Ralph, "Millie I'm home. I did not see Ender outside. Where is he?" As he looked at the scene in front him slight regret filled his mind, While slowly walking backwards he tried to close the door, "I see you two are busy I'll be back in while."

As he turned around a small firm hand was gripping his shoulder stopping his retreat. The wind behind him picked up before a voice that sounded sweet but cold could be heard from Millie, "And who do you think Ender gets his behavior from? Maybe if you were a little more mature Ender would copy you?"

"Ender how did you drag me into this?" Ralph was complaining to himself in his head.

That evening there was no peace in the Maelstrom house. Howls of wind could be heard in the village.

In Percy's home, "Mom what's that noise it has been going for the past hour? Is that a monster?"

Percy mom nonchalantly answered, "That would be Ender's mom. Back in the day she was the strongest in the village always causing trouble. Thankfully she calmed down after getting married and having Ender. Ralph or Ender must have made her really mad today."

Percy's thought were currently along the lines I must never anger her.

Not just in Percy's house but across the village this was happening.

After two hours of scolding Ralph and Ender were released to get cleaned up before dinner. Later during lunch after the two apologized Ralph broke the ice before livening up the atmosphere. Millie still loved them and could not get mad at them for long.

Following dinner was excused to his room and his parents also left for his room. Laying down a smile was on his face. After 4 years Ender had finally made his first solid step on to the path of magic. Ender thoughts now wondering about himself, "I wonder how I am now? Skill activate: Status"

-Name: Ender Maelstrom

-Age: 4 years and 3 months old

-Energy level: Low Black Core (7 cores)

-Unique skills: 'Soul of the Demon King Izrath'

-Blessing: 'Blessed' (???)

-Passive skills: 'Knowledge of the Demon King' 'Demon King's Cultivation Technique' 'Elementary Ether Usage' (None)…

-Active skills: 'Demon King's Weapons Art' (None) 'Demon King's Movement Art' (None) 'Demon King's Unarmed Art' (None) …

-Weapons: (The Fallen Weapon) (locked)

Most of what Ender saw was as expected for two the blessing and the weapon. Being blessed is probably a bad thing but then again if he was not who brought the soul of Demon King Izrath back to life? If it was a god then there must be a reason behind it. The Fallen Weapon if his speculations were right it must be those weapons that were destroyed in the end. Maybe the weapons were instead merged with his soul bring they protected his soul and came with him. These questions have no answer for now no matter what how hard Ender thought about it.

All that mattered at the moment none of that mattered. Maybe Ender has to remain low profile a while longer than he wanted. Instead of rapidly increasing his core Ender should probably switch back to again strengthening body and slowly increasing his core levels.

Just as Ender was thinking this he remembered Millie. Cold sweat started rolling down his forehead before changing his plan again. Ender needs to act more his age when his has the chance as well so Mille would not worry.

Another thing that Ender would have to do is figure out a way to ask Old Milton a favor. When Ender was running back through the forest he felt that his wooden sword was too light. If Old Milton could somehow hollow out a wooden sword and fill it with scrap iron to make the wooden sword heavier that would be best.

With his next steps planned out Ender closed his eyes and started to move the World's Energy inside himself.