Chapter 25 – The Capital, Kidnapped?

Currently the procession was in the middle of low cut wheat field. Further down there was also wheat fields that had yet to be harvested. Beyond the wheat field though was a city if the city could be considered that. The city was protected by 20 feet tall and 7 meters wide. Within the walls was a city that seemed to be placed on a hill. A castle could be seen on at the top with its own set of walls. Below the castle could be seen another set of mansion like houses. From the distance the procession was at the clarity was pristine. After another set of walls the more moderately normal sized building could be seen. With the addition of moderately sized building there also smaller building.

After 2 weeks of travel with the group they had the intended destination. Inside the carriage of the princess Scarlet was currently 4 individuals they were Scarlet, Sarah, Millie, and Ender. The Ender and Millie were taking turns looking at the capital. Sarah was giving Scarlet a wry laughing look while Scarlet was giving Sarah a plea for help for the upcoming situation.

It was at this moment Ender turned around to ask, "Did you decide to back to the capital Breycester? This city is to large to be anything smaller than a capital."

Scarlet looked like she started swallowed a fly as she looked like she was internally in pain. Sarah was looking outside away from Ender and Millie. Her face was red and a, "fufufu" could be heard from time to time. Millie at this turned around in curiosity.

Scarlet at this time composed herself before saying, "This is not Breycester but Beastmane."

Confusion filled Millie and Ender's face as they tried to compute what Scarlet said. Ender thought for a while before thinking of the rough mental map of Crag Kingdom. There was not a Beastmane City in the Kingdom that he could remember. Ender probed, "Where is Beastmane? I do not remember seeing the city on the map in the book back in the village."

While looking away Scarlet answered, "That is because Beastmane is the capital of Packtern Kingdom." Scarlet sudden started whistling.

Ender and Millie face had thunderstruck expression as she explained where exactly they were. Ender was the first come back from the realization before asking, "How is that possible? The capital of Packtern should be hundreds kilometers away from the Crag Kingdom let alone from where we started. Also how did you get us pass the border?" Ender got closer as he spoke more.

Scarlet started to evert her eyes further as more "fufufu's" could be heard from Sarah. Sarah was also shaking from her apparent laughter as she noticed Millie and Ender's face.

Scarlet started answering their questions while looking down as the two sat in their seats, "You do not know this but the horses are a strain from the unicorn that once existed. The this strain is called the 'Rapidflash Endurance Stallion' that could travel dozens of kilometers non-stop. Additionally the carriages that we ride in have a magic system that reduces the bumps at high speeds but has no effect at lower speeds. When we traveled at higher speeds you two were not able to tell the difference. As for the border I am the princess of Packtern. We just reduced the time we got close to villages and towns so you two would not noticed." Scarlet slowly described how they got into their current predicament.

Ender had his mouth agape while Millie had her hand to forehead. Millie thought she would have a nice vacation at a local nobles house for some well deserved rest and was instead taken to a neighboring kingdom. Well if she thought about it distant did not matter. Plus she could be staying at palace instead of mansion. This may not be the worst outcome. Millie started looking forward to her new 'home'.

Ender on the other hand was still shocked from his current situation. Ender said the first thing that came to mind, "This is kidnapping."

Scarlet at this moment resolutely looked up with a righteous air to her, "This is not kidnapping but forgetting to ask a friend and his parent to come visit… a different country."

Ender felt a headache approaching so he just sighed looking down trying to accept his situation. It was a this moment that Sarah could not hold in her laughter any further and was crouched like a shrimp laughing herself to tears. Ender at this moment knew that Sarah knew and shot her a angry glare. Sarah did not mind and laughed to hearts content. After the previous incident there were not barriers between the two young ladies and Ender. Millie when she heard of the incident gave Ender and incredulous look before giving a long talk about the other gender.

Ender shook his head and accepted where he was and decided to state to Scarlet, "I expect that we will be staying in the palace and we will be treated as guests right?"

Scarlet cheerfully nodded as she finally got Ender's acceptance on his stay. "You guys will be treated as my personal guests and be staying in my mansion within the castle territory. People are not allowed to go in without my personal permission if they are not part of my staff." Scarlet replied.

Nodding to the Scarlet plans Ender pushed his worries away. Maybe having his mother Millie stay with Scarlet would be safer, especially on the long term. If Ender has to leave like he wants to get stronger then must have a place that is safe for Millie and his younger sibling and palace is better then any place.

Looking outside Ender looked at the steadily approaching capital. The farmland slowly ended and the capital's walls soon filled his eyes. As they approached Ender was able to slowly see the carriage decelerating at a steady pace as he was also able to feel the ground more. Underneath the carriage a slightly dim glow that could barely noticed in the daylight also faded. "So there was magic… It seems like they have advance magic in ways to make life more accommodating," Ender mused to himself.

Ender also noticed that because the guard beast-man were of strong builds and high core levels they were able to stay at high speeds without having to adverse consequences. The men turned slightly pale at worst and no effects on others. Ender had been too focused on his cultivation for the last few days after the recent breakthrough. Ender was able to make rapid progress from a new visualization technique.

As Ender was thinking this the procession started to steadily approach the Packtern's gates bringing him out of his thoughts. The gates themselves were 10 meters tall and 5 meters wide made of solid wood and reinforced with iron. The walls themselves were made of rocks lade with what seems like solidified liquid rock (concrete (there will be weak concrete in the future)) to strengthen the walls. The procession slowly moved over from the two lines already in place. One line seemed to be of people moving by foot and the other was by people moving by carriage.

As Ender was about to ask Sarah already began explaining, "The first line is for the commoners and other people that approach the capital by foot. The second line is carriages and merchants that approach the capital. Usually we also be in that line but a third line is also created for nobles when they approach. The reason being that there is friction between classes. The least we can do to reduce the friction is create a new line as long as the proper documentation is presented. We of course won't have that issue due to the motif outside. No one in the kingdom would dare to use the royal motif if not issued unless they want their head flying."

Ender nodded as the procession rapidly approached the guards that were positioned at the gate. Ender saw that the other two lines were stopped from entering. As the procession approached, the people in the other lines stared at the carriages and men accompanied in awe and amazement.

"This is the respect that the Gorepelt heritage has accumulated over he past couple of millenniums. This just goes to show how many people care for this country," Sarah continued.

Ender nodded but also saw what the others did not. He saw within select few of the people's eyes were resentment and other negative emotions deeply hidden. "No country or kingdom is perfect," Ender thought this but did not tell Sarah or the others.

The procession were soon able to pass rapidly as the guards knelt at the gate allowing the procession to enter. As they passed by from outside to inside the townscape entered Ender's eyes.

Compared to the village the difference was like night and day, no magic and magic, or earth and heaven. The capital's southern entrance was one of the four main streets that were associated with the cardinal directions. As they looked out they could see the street was filled with beast-man of many forms. A vast majority were or the feline and dog types but a few rabbits, bears, sloths, elephants, and rhinos.

The majority of the beast-men were mostly human shaped and could distinguished by a few set features. However, Ender noticed a something… There were no fish, insects, or bird people. This could be traced back to the Second Holy War in which these groups sided with the Demon King Izrath. Additionally, half if not three quarters of the population were more shaped more beast than man. This also being a reason for their persecution.

Ender frowned but did not say anything since he knew the reason. A few flashbacks could be felt as he tried to remember the groups that followed Demon King Izrath but it felt like the memories were sealed or something was interfering. Regardless all things will return to himself as long as he gets stronger.

Turning back to the street the beast-men that were initially boisterous slowly quieted down a bit as they made room. The procession slowly made through the street stopping to allow the people move so they did not get hurt. The royal family was the face of the country and if the royal family did not treat the citizens well this would be reflected on how the citizens would treat the country.

Ender looked at the passing buildings and how they differed. Some were smaller than others, others were seemed run down, others seemed new with multiple chimneys. Ender could also see multiple inns, merchant shops, and weapon stores. A few smithies, potion shops, and markets could also be seen. As they made it further the shops became slightly better the further from the entrance they got.

It took hours to reach the inner district walls. At the walls was a plaza that stretched wide with elaborate cravings of different animals. Scarlet at this moment popped her head next to Ender while explaining, "There are plazas like this on each cardinal directions that allows entrance to the inner district. The inner district as implied allows for only the noble class and high status to enter."

Ender nodded in understanding as he looked at the walls in front of him. The walls were shorter and seemed less thick than the outer walls but seemed to at least 12 meters high. What was also slowly apparent was the inclination. There was a gradual inclination in the lower district but the higher districts seemed to have a slightly higher inclination until the peak which seemed to be under the castle.

Ender looked forward as more men at the gates made way for their group of people. There were fewer people that were on foot entering this area and more carriages but still much fewer from the outer walls. With the gate being 7 meters tall and 6 meters wide allowed for easy entering and exiting.

As their group entered the inner district there were a clear difference in quality from the outer district. Most of the houses if could be consider houses looked more like personal mansions of different kinds. All of the other shops, market, smithies, and other places were also of a higher quality. If the outer district was bread the inner district was sweet delicious cake.

There were also few people in the streets but they were more of them were elegantly dressed. They seemed to in groups of different sorts as they strolled the street. There was less people that looked at the carriage but just made way. As they cut through the streets the made for the eastern portion as they neared the castle.

It was at this time Scarlet chimed in, "The castle only has one entrance on the eastern portion of the inner district since that is the way the sun rises." The inclination slowly increased as they went further but was not a hindrance due to it being gradual. Ender looked outside to see the passing capital with slight awe.

The time it took to get to the palace was shorter due to the fewer people in the streets. Surrounding the palace was another set of walls exactly the same as the inner district. Entering the Royal area was even easier due to the royal motif on the carriage.

Scarlet turned to Ender with a smiling expression, "Let me welcome you to my home the royal castle of Packtern."