Changing the Rules of Battle

Refusing to budge, Max icily stared at Phillip and August. Evangeline watched from the side, hoping that the situation wouldn't escalate any further.

"You plebeian! How dare you?!" Phillip yelled in fury.

Crawford groaned and sternly ordered, "Stand down Phillip!"

With this ex-army man around, Phillip knew he would fail if he were to unleash a spell upon Max. Burning the latter's appearance into his memory, he snorted and left without saying another word.

"My shoulder is kinda sore." Max sighed, knowing he'd lost his chance. A façade of nonchalance emerged as he said to Crawford, "Mind letting me go? I need to check on Amy."

Crawford bitterly laughed. He appreciated Max's loyalty to Amy, but was also annoyed by the unapologetic attitude.

"You! How dare you attack another participant?!" A man in his fifties huffed and puffed as he ran full speed towards the stage. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't suspend you right now!"

August and Crawford immediately groaned. "Bradley, this matter has already been handled."

Bradley Lockhart was a Master Mage with ties to the Cullen household. Despite his relation with the Marquis's family, he knew he couldn't play favorites and interfere with the punishment the Academy would dole out to Phillip.

But the heaven's had presented him with an excellent opportunity. Max was now the perfect scapegoat to showcase his loyalty to the Marquis's family.

"Been handled?" Bradley sneered. "Crawford, as part of the teaching faculty, how can I turn a blind eye to someone who so blatantly disregarded the Academy's rules?"

The mana in Crawford's body began to stir. "Don't make me repeat myself. Go back so that the matches may continue."

"You… Don't tell me you actually condone his actions?"

"Now, now." August interjected with a yawn. "Professor Bradley, you're overreacting. No one got hurt, so just let this be water under the bridge."

"I agree. Let's not drag things on and ruin the Induction for our juniors." Evangeline added.

The corners of Bradley's lips involuntarily twitched. While he could afford to ignore Crawford, August and Evangeline's identities were far too special to overlook. With a large crowd standing witness, he would definitely ruin his standing as an esteemed professor if he pushed things any further.

Just what relation does this nameless kid have with these two? Bradley silently wondered and chose to relent. "Fine. I'll overlook things just this once. There won't be a second time!"

"Just another bootlicker!" Max quietly scoffed and turned to face August. "I'm not sure whether to thank you or punch you."

August chuckled, "Surprise me."

Worried that August was about to switch to battle mode, Evangeline hurriedly interjected. "You should check on Miss Walker."

Nodding, Max thanked Evangeline and quickly headed for the infirmary. He met Lewis on his way out and the two had a brief conversation regarding Amy's condition. Her wounds weren't nearly as bad as they had appeared.

Liliana was sitting by Amy's side, intently watching the latter take steady breaths.

"Stare any longer and you'll burn a hole right through her sheets!"

Max's words jolted Liliana into action. Her pent up worries seemed to evaporate as she looked at her familiar's expression of ease. Max's answers to her inquiries however, left her grinding her teeth. "To think we're in the same department as that jerk!"

"Pretty sure there are people like him everywhere. Remember Aaron?"

"Don't remind me." Liliana replied, seemingly disgusted at the mere mention of the name.


"Phillip! What were you thinking?!" Evangeline chided, "Amy Walker had already lost that match and you clearly knew it. You went too far! The Marquis wouldn't –"

"Shut up!" Phillip shouted and began to glower at the mention of his father. "I don't regret a thing. That brat got exactly what she deserved. So stop patronizing me and get lost!"

"You -"

"Forget it Eva!" August scoffed. "This idiot is a lost cause."

Phillip cocked his head to the side and retorted with unbridled derision, "Huh? Don't get cocky just cause people have started looking at you like you're some genius… Oh? What's with that look? Want a go?"

Irritation was apparent on August's face as he pulled Evangeline back and started to leave. One foot through the door, he paused. "We were friends once, but now… we're done!" He said, "So my last piece of advice to you is to take a good look in the mirror and stop before you dig your own grave."

As the two left, Phillip cursed and angrily punched the wall.


There was no pain, only immense lethargy. Amy woke up feeling exhausted. If she hadn't noticed Liliana asleep on a chair by her side, she would have whiled away in bed, moping about her loss.

"Morning Princess! You sure took your time."

Startled, Amy saw Max just as he walked through the door with a glass of water. Handing her the glass, he took a seat beside her. "How're you feeling?"

"Fi – Fine."

"Really? You don't look fine."

"What do you want me to say?" Amy asked as she sulked. "I lost… miserably!"

Max raised a brow and replied while carefully selecting his words. "Well… I wouldn't call it miserable. Most freshmen would be happy to have lasted half as long as you did."

"Perhaps… But Phillip Cullen is ranked among the bottom of his class. Knowing that, would those freshmen still feel the same?"

"Just how much do you pressure yourself?!" Laughing, Max playfully ruffled Amy's hair. "Your opponent was someone who has been an Intermediate Mage much longer than you have. So what if he's at the bottom of his class? As another student of Asterisk Academy he is still a genius that stands above thousands. Cut yourself some slack!"

Amy suddenly felt her eyes tear up. With a bitter smile, she quickly covered her face and sniffed. I know you can't be him, but it sure feels like it.

"By the way…" Whispering, Max leaned closer. "What was with the 'Brother, I'm sorry' before you passed out? Didn't know you had a sibling."

Amy trembled, her face flushed from embarrassment. Swifter than a rabbit, she grabbed her blanket and hid underneath. From within the sheets, she mumbled in a tone that felt like she was pleading. "I – I wasn't thinking straight! Just – Just forget I said anything!"

Max chuckled, his urge to tease her disrupted by Liliana. Letting out a small yawn, his trusty partner adorably blinked, staring at Amy in a daze. A moment of clarity transformed her feelings into ones of pure excitement as she cheerfully grabbed Amy's hand and snapped at Max for not waking her sooner.

Bombarded by questions that stemmed from a mixture of concern and anger, Amy felt overwhelmed, gaping in shock. Max's attempts to calm her down were instantly shot down. Cursed and abused, he bitterly laughed, obediently keeping quiet and allowing the two girls to hold their conversation.

Rachael and Lewis's arrival on the scene livened things up more. Now, Jason was the only one missing. Remembering Jason's words, Lewis explained with a wry smile, telling the others that the taciturn young man had other things to do since Amy wasn't in serious condition.


The next day saw the mellow sunlight shine upon each stage. Liliana stood opposite Evangeline, with Bradley as her judge.

Evangeline wore a friendly smile as she introduced herself. "Evangeline Marlow."

"Liliana Lockwood." Liliana reciprocated and shook hands with her.

"Well, Liliana, how do we do this? It's an unwritten rule among us seniors that we let the freshmen decide, so the choice is yours. Do you want to battle with or without our familiars?"

"Oh..." Liliana seemed a little troubled as she looked around to check the other platforms. Noticing her reaction, Evangeline hesitated, but quickly decided against sharing her opinion.

Eventually, Liliana, with her cheeks flushed, raised her fist towards the sky and revealed two fingers. Her awkward pose left Bradley exasperated, causing him to yell with annoyance. "What are you doing? People are waiting! We don't have time for this nonsense!"

Max wryly smiled as he took note of the sign. It was a predecided signal to notify him, telling him to participate in the battle. With a small groan, he slowly sauntered to the stage – an action which left the onlookers puzzled.

Like the crowd, Evangeline was also at a loss and tried to clarify things with Max. However, Bradley immediately foiled her attempt by screaming, "You brat! What do you think you're doing?! I already told you there wouldn't be a second time! To actually interfere in a live match, do you think I can't have you expelled?!"

"What are you talking about? Isn't this a battle between mages?" Max leisurely asked. Taking off his glove, he brandished the insignia and pointed at Liliana with a smirk. "I'm her familiar. It's my job to fight by her side."

Evangeline gasped, remembering what she had heard from August while Bradley was also stunned into silence. He had heard about this particular case, but hadn't imagined that it would involve the same pair of troublemakers he had met yesterday.

Bradley suddenly laughed and said, "So you're the infamous pair I've heard about – the young mage and her human familiar! Max, was it? Of course you can participate!"

Max knit his brows as he shifted his gaze to the crowd. As the judge, Bradley could freely control the barrier's functions. While speaking, he had secretly allowed his voice to reach the stands. His comments, tinged with a hint of obvious mockery, surprised the congregated students, causing them to erupt into loud chatter.

"Are you kidding? Those freshmen are really master and familiar?"

"Well, well! Isn't this an interesting turn of events?"

"Yeah! Tell me about it."

Evangeline glared at Bradley with displeasure, irritated by his pettiness. On the other hand, Max and Liliana appeared completely unfazed. Having experienced a similar ordeal during their entrance test, they ignored the barely audible jeers and stared at Bradley as if to say, 'Let's get on with it.'

Amidst the sea of people, Amy pensively stayed on her seat with her gaze on her roommate. She didn't particularly care about the revelation. Instead she felt annoyed about the fact that the duo had kept the nature of their relationship hidden from her for this long.

"If you're done, can we proceed with the match?" Max quickly asked before sarcastically repeating exactly what Bradley had said to Liliana. "People are waiting."

"Watch your tone, boy." Bradley warned and turned to Evangeline. "Miss Marlow, please summon your familiar."

Before Evangeline could respond, August speedily jumped onto the platform and yelled, "Wait a minute! Professor Bradley, hear me out. I have a proposal for you." His unexpected arrival caught the spectator's attention. While some in the audience were curious about what this eccentric genius had in mind, August's closest friends were hiding their faces, shaking their heads and exchanging glances. They knew exactly what he wanted.

Bradley cursed under his breath as he glared at the young knight. "Do you people think the Induction is a joke? You know that external interference in a match is forbidden, so why are you here? What do you want?"

"Like I said, I want to make a suggestion." August grinned as his eyes sparkled with a hint of excitement. "I would like to recommend myself as a temporary replacement for Evangeline's familiar and make this battle a two on two."


"I knew it!" Evangeline groaned as she covered her face and shook her head in dismay. Sometimes I really wish I didn't know you!

Bradley made no attempt to hide his scowl. The continued disturbances had worn his patience thin. His nostrils flared as his anger shot through the roof. "Rejected! Now, get out!"

"What? No way…" Like a child who had lost his favorite toy, August turned to Evangeline with an imploring gaze. "Eva! Take me as your temporary familiar just for the duration of this match. If you do that, I'll be able to participate!"

Exasperated by his antics, Evangeline retorted, "No! Did you lose your brain on the way here?!"

"Aww... C'mon!"

Max and Liliana weren't sure of what to do next. They blankly stared at the three people before them. Bradley's level of irritation continued to reach new all time highs while he repeatedly yelled at August. On the other hand, August shamelessly pretended not to hear him by turning his head the other way.

"August..." Evangeline helplessly sighed. She knew why her maniac of a friend was craving battle, but this was asking for the impossible. As she attempted to reason with him, a hearty laugh echoed throughout the Coliseum, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What now?!" Bradley blew his top.

A man with a white beard and a head full of white hair stood floating in the skies above. The disturbance brought by his unforeseen arrival seemed to stymie even the ongoing spars. The participants in the other rings watched as the old man slowly descended and arrived next to Bradley.

Staring at the newly arrived figure, the spectators felt a mixture of shock, awe, fear and amusement. The emotional turmoil arose solely because of the man's identity - Grand Master Mage Julius Barnes. Never before had this infamous eccentric of Asterisk Academy made an appearance during the Induction.

In response to the senescent old man's sudden appearance, Max almost swore out loud. He was drowning in his feelings of annoyance, remembering the time he was attacked during the entrance examination.

The previously calm members of the Academy's faculty seated among the crowd now showed signs of worry, feeling that Julius Barnes's arrival was a portent to chaos.

"Vice-principal!" Bradley exclaimed with a hint of nervousness. This was a madman who he absolutely could not afford to provoke. "What brings you here today?"

Julius ignored his colleague and looked at August, nodding in approval before winking at Max.

"Vice-principal?!" Max and Liliana secretly exchanged glances, each at a loss for words.

Julius took note of their surprise and merrily chuckled. "As a member of this Academy's faculty, why can't I be a part of the Entrance Exam? Is it that surprising, little familiar?"

Sighing, Max face-palmed. "Nah! If it's you, it's not surprising at all."

Bradley's eyes widened as he stared at Julius and Max in shock. They're on familiar terms?! Did – Did I misjudge?!

"Vi – Vice-principal, why are you here today?"

Hearing Bradley call out to him again, Julius spared him a glance. "Bradley, you can leave. I'll take charge of this ring for the rest of the day."

"What? But -"

"Is there a problem?"

"N – No! Of course not! Well then, I'll – uh – take my leave." Bradley had no choice, but to relent ad awkwardly scampered away.

"I heard you want to participate in this match." Julius questioned. August, feeling the flames of hope rekindled, enthusiastically grinned and nodded in response. Max and Evangeline, however, fumed, knowing what was to come.

As if to meet their expectations, Julius rose into the air and loudly announced, "With my authority as the Vice-Principal, I hereby announce that the match on stage number nine will be a two on two. The mage-knight pair August Kendall and Evangeline Marlow will battle against their juniors Max Walker and Liliana Lockwood!"

A fresh wave of excitement gripped the crowd as several pairs of eyes immediately became fixated on the anomalous match. On the other hand, the numerous observing professors bitterly smiled, resigning themselves to the turn of events. They were just happy with the fact that at least it wasn't something overly absurd like a battle royal.

Back on the stands, Bradley stumbled when he heard the announcement, cold sweat dripping off his brow. "Can it be?! Did I mess with a member of the Duke's family?!"

"Ugh... You idiot! Why are you such a muscle brain?!" Evangeline complained as she continuously whacked August on the head with her wand.

In response, August clumsily used his hands to defend himself and said, "C'mon! What's done is done."

Despite the nature of the matches, Evangeline thought it prudent to formulate a plan to deal with her opponents. With no intention to lose, she eventually stopped venting her frustrations, but was instantly at a loss of words.

August was focused entirely on Max as his eyes revealed a sharp glow. Compared to the nonchalant attitude he had previously displayed, he looked oddly serious.

Evangeline smiled. It's been a while since I've seen this side of him. She said, "I'll act as support, so you can fight to your heart's content."

August slowly nodded while his hand rested on the sword perched at his waist. He trembled ever so slightly as his expression slowly morphed to resemble that of a predator looking at its prey.

On the other hand, having finalized a strategy, Max and Liliana took their stances. As Liliana drew her wand, Max, who was accustomed to fighting bare handed, casually stood without a weapon, warily observing his opponents. When his gaze intersected with August's, he involuntarily shivered. Surprise flickered past his face. "Looks like this won't be easy."

Floating a few meters above stage, Julius silently strengthened the barrier. He smiled and signaled the start of the match. "Begin!"