Secrets Part 1

Sitting on a king sized bed, Max remained confused, but perfectly still as he curiously watched a slightly panicking Master Mage busily cast one healing spell after another.

The Duchess had arranged for a room as soon as they had arrived. The decorated chamber was twice the size of Max's apartment on Earth and comparatively much cozier. Translucent silk curtains draped over the windows, letting the mellow sunlight grace the room. Covering a polished marble floor, a thin carpet, designed to act as a perfect insulator for the cold winters, was beyond comfortable for the feet. Exquisitely carved wooden wardrobes were placed on the side, not a speck of dust on them.

Employed by the castle, Steve had come running into the room soon after Max had settled in. Unusually agitated, he had promptly examined Max's wounds and begun treatment, his wand emanating a soft light as he dealt with the numerous flesh wounds. Broken bones were the hardest to heal, but mastery over healing spells made it easy to dampen the pain.

Max felt his chest lighten, finding it much easier to breathe. "Thank you Steve. I feel much better now." He flashed a smile and said.

"Are you sure?" Steve worriedly asked, "Maybe I should cast another round just for safe measure."

"No. Really, I'm fine now." Max replied with a strange look. Despite its power, healing magic still had its limitations. It could only repair and regenerate to a defined extent. The last stage of recovery always depended on the afflicted victim's body.

As a Master Mage and a proud graduate from Ancient Rune Academy, Steve had never lacked confidence in his own abilities. But today, for the first time in years, he had a face to face with the Duchess. The strength of her aura, her grim gaze… together, they had overwhelmed him. Never had he experienced such fear. Her orders were absolute. "Heal the boy." She had said which instantly left him scrambling towards his patient's room.

After another re-examination, Steve felt relieved. He had done all he could. While secretly questioning Max's identity, he left. For the Duchess to be so worked up, just who is this boy?

Max had never been so comfortable. The cool room, the warm blanket wrapped around him and the soft bed. The combination was enough to rid him of all discomfort. For reasons he couldn't understand, he felt a sense of security and let his guard slip. Sighing, he fell into a trance, reminiscing about the handful of people he had left behind on Earth, a wry smile on his face as a face flashed in his mind. "Who would have thought that there would ever come a day when I would actually miss that sorry excuse of a Godfather?" He muttered.

Soundlessly tiptoeing in, Sarah stood to the side, wistfully staring at Max. Her lips arched into a smile as her thoughts raced. 'Has he remembered something? Should I ask him?' Snapping out of her daze, she let out a small chuckle. "How are you feeling? Did Steve do a good job?"

"Uh, yes." Suddenly cognizant of her presence, Max sheepishly answered, "Physically, I should have no problems."

"That's good." The long awaited conversation between the two doppelgangers was cut short by an old man in a suit. Davis walked into the room, hurriedly approaching Sarah and whispering into her ears. Frowning, she said to the man, "Thank you Davis. But, for now, he stays here!"

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Davis had a serious dilemma. The Duchess's command ran in direct opposition to the Duke's.

"But the Duke –"

"I will speak to Joseph!" Sarah cut him off.

"I – I understand." He could only relent.

Sarah apologetically smiled at Max. "I'm sorry." She said, "Something important has come up and it looks like I'll have to keep you waiting a while longer."

Max didn't seem to mind at all, instead happy with the opportunity to rest. Smiling, he waved her off. "You're too kind. This isn't something you should be apologizing for."

"Feel free to look around the castle. Davis will be here in case you need anything."

Davis had been working for the Walker household for most of his life. He finally took note of Max's appearance and his own expression changed from one of placidity to one that looked like he had seen a ghost. Astounded, he suppressed a wry smile and nodded to the Duchess in understanding.

Sarah secretly praised Davis for his tact. Leaving Max with the head butler, she excused herself and headed directly for her husband's study.

Left standing, Max felt a strong urge to rest, his eyelids heavy and drooping. Alone in the room, with Davis just outside the door, Max collapsed on the bed, allowing its softness to gently embrace him.

Duke Walker stood in a daze as he stared out the window. He wanted answers. With Max in his grasp, he was sure he would soon get some clarity. A suitable resolution could then follow.

Preoccupied, Joseph felt his irritation shoot through the roof when the study door was slammed open. He let out a rare scowl. "Don't you know how to –" Joseph froze in place, his voice trailing off.

Sarah stood at the door, staring at her husband, anger plastered all over her face, her piercing glare like daggers to his heart. Taking a seat on the couch, she clicked her tongue in response to Joseph's wry smile and barked, "Shadow! Get out!"

The Duke felt an oncoming headache, but realized the necessity of the imminent conversation. With a sigh, he requested his right hand man to give them some privacy.

Gone without as much as a verbal acknowledgement, Shadow sighed as he returned to his own room. Perhaps it was also time to have a word with his wife.

Knowing he had left, Sarah forced all of her annoyance into one single word. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Don't play dumb, Joseph! You know very well what!"

"If it's about Max... You should know that I -"

"I don't want your excuses, Joseph." Sarah interjected and demanded for information. "Tell me everything, starting from when you found out."

Closing his eyes, the Duke relented and truthfully answered, "Perhaps a little over three months ago."

"Three months!" Sarah exclaimed, her expression turning sour. "You knew for three whole months and you didn't tell me? Joseph, you better -"

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would let your emotions get the better of you!" Joseph yelled over her. Taking his wife's silence as an opportunity, he calmly continued, "Sarah, I know how much you were affected, but you're not the only one who lost a son that day. When I found out, I immediately put him under surveillance." He confessed, "I used Shadow's network to gather information."

Walking up to his wife, he softly said, "I'm sure you've already heard everything from Kate. The boy appeared in the middle of nowhere and rose to prominence from the moment he entered the Academy. There is nothing Shadow could find from before then. Don't you find that odd? Aren't you at least a little suspicious?"

"Well, I was!" Joseph carried on and affirmed. "We���re talking about our son here. I needed to be certain that this wasn't part of someone's scheme. I just – I just wanted to ascertain all the facts before telling you." Thinking about the lie from his past, he guiltily added, "I – I didn't want you to get your hopes up and get hurt again."

Morose, Sarah softly sighed. "You had no right. A decision like this can't be made by you alone."

"Perhaps." Joseph shrugged. "Perhaps not. But, I only did what I felt was right… both as a Duke and as a husband."

"Joseph…" Sarah eventually broke the tension in the air. "I'm not going to lie." She said, the anger in her voice still apparent. "Despite everything you've said, I'm still upset."

"I know."

"Then tell me something. After investigating him for so long, did you find anything to prove your theories? Is Max really just some pawn?"

Joseph hesitated, reluctant to reveal his findings. "No. There was nothing in the reports to validate my suspicions."

Sarah smiled and silently proclaimed, 'I knew it'. With narrowed eyes, she carefully said, "In that case, I want you to promise me something."


"I want you to swear that if you ever find out anything then I will be the first to know."

Joseph willingly nodded. "Of course, I -"

"And!" Sarah interjected, "Regardless of what you find, I want you to let me handle it. Even if he is working for somebody or isn't our son… Promise me that you won't lay a finger on him!"


"Promise me!"

Joseph closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I promise."

"Good..." Sarah nodded. Pleased with her husband's submission, she gave him a light kiss. Sashaying out of the room, she mischievously smiled as she added, "Joseph, if you break this promise, I promise I will break you."

Left gawking, Joseph watched his wife's leaving figure in a daze. As a Duke and one of the strongest Paladins in the Empire, he stood above billions. Who, besides his wife, could have the audacity to speak to him in such a manner? Smiling, he shook his head and whispered the moment Sarah had stepped out of the room. "Shadow, can you do it?"

Having returned, Shadow's voice echoed out, "If it comes to that, then yes."

Joseph took a seat and supported his chin. "Then I suppose it's time we get our answers."