Chapter 0011: The Snobbish Woman_1

The next morning.

"Brother Xiong, Mom asked me to bring you home for dinner today," Wang Tong said.

"Why the sudden invitation for dinner?" Ye Xiong asked in surprise.

"My sister has just graduated from college and found a job. Mom's very happy and wanted me to bring you home for a meal."

"Let's change our clothes after work, then head back to taste your mom's cooking."

The day passed quickly and evening arrived in the blink of an eye.

The two went back to their dormitory at the construction site, changed their clothes simply, and then headed for Wang Tong's old home.

Although Ye Xiong knew well in advance that Wang Tong's family was poor, he was nevertheless shocked when he actually got there.

A less than one hundred square meter blue-brick house covered with moss all around. Within a hundred meters, there were hardly any neighbors left; all had moved away or got houses in the city to rent or live in.

No one wanted to hide away in this corner to live.