Chapter 0036 A unique dish_1

"Who's the bastard that hit me?" an angry voice came.

Xiao Fangfang clutched her head, cursing foully.

When she looked up and saw Ye Xiong, the anger in her eyes turned to violence. She picked up a book from the ground and threw it hard at Ye Xiong.

"Oh my god, why is everyone crazier than the next? Has menopause come early or what?"

Ye Xiong ducked again, and the book slammed into the wall, its cover peeling off when it fell.

"Bastard, dare to hit me!"

Xiao Fangfang looked around for more weapons, to which Ye Xiong roared, "Crazy woman, it wasn't me who hit you, what do you want exactly?"

"If it wasn't you, was it Yang Xinyi then?"

Xiao Fangfang and Yang Xinyi had been friends since childhood. She knew Yang Xinyi's character well: though aloof, she was always refined and had never been one to resort to physical altercation, let alone throw a book at someone. It had to be that Ye Xiong's doing.

"Sorry, Fangfang, it was an accident," Yang Xinyi suddenly said.