Days of Life

Since Luo Xiyun's feet hadn't fully recovered yet, he was the one moving most things. He didn't unload everything off the truck. It wasn't convenient with this heavy rain. He only unloaded some of the daily necessities.

This was a two-story villa, luxuriously furnished, and complete with all kinds of equipment. There was also a large yard outside. In real life, Chen Xu would never be able to afford to live in such a house in his lifetime.

Of course, what he cared about more was the commodity of the property, meaning, how much was it worth. Even if somebody asked him to live in this place, he might not have even been willing to.

He was a rather lazy person. He didn't like to go out often, commonly did online shopping, and would often call for takeout. If he lived in this hilltop villa, it would be a big problem for even the courier to get in the gates of this area. If he had to go down the hill to retrieve his takeout, he would be better off eating out.

After entering the house, the first thing Chen Xu did was start the generator. It was different from the one back at the restaurant. It was a petrol generator. The noise it would produce was much quieter, and neither did it need as much regular maintenance. There were many benefits to this generator.

But at the same time, it had some shortcomings, like smaller power ability and how expensive and exhaustive petroleum was.

Of course, this didn't bother Chen Xu.

After turning on the generator and lights in the villa, he felt much more comfortable, as if he had made his way back to modern society.

The first day he arrived at the villa was spent cleaning.

The next day, Chen Xu went out again. Soon, he came back with a tank truck. Upon returning, he departed again almost at once. It was nighttime before he finally came back driving a large truck.

He kept on going out for a few days straight, mainly to collect all kinds of supplies - mostly water and various food.

The heavy rain had shown no sign of stopping. The severity of flooding in the city was increasing. More and more road sections were getting flooded. Chen Xu discovered that for every day that went by, accessible routes dwindled, and the time he would spend on the road increased.

If there was water accumulation on a certain road section one day, the water would be very deep the next. He didn't dare to risk driving the car over the water. If the car were to hydroplane, he would be in danger.

By the fifth day, he no longer went outside. The resources he had brought back would support them both for a year or so.

And so, they settled down in the villa.


In the morning, Luo Xiyun woke up on time as usual. Getting up from the warmth of her bed, the cold air made her sneeze.

This year's weather was very unusual. The cold winter that should have arrived long ago, swiftly swirled in by surprise after the heavy rain of the typhoon passed after lasting for 20 days.

What was more unusual was that in this province, which was located at the southernmost tip of the mainland, it snowed. And once it came, it continued for a week. Now, it was as if the whole world was covered in snow.

She didn't know whether such a heavy snowfall had ever happened in this city before in history. In any case, in her memory, nothing like this had ever happened before.

However, after having experienced so much, she was already accustomed to the strangeness, or more accurately, numbed.

In the beginning, when she realized that everyone around her had vanished, her world had already crumbled. At that time, her only thought was to go to her granny.

On her journey, she didn't bump into any other people. Back at her grandmother's, she could only look at the empty house. Even the bracelet her granny always wore was left on the ground. At that moment, all of her hopes were dashed to pieces.

She had always thought of herself as a strong person. However, when she discovered that she was the only one left in the whole world that she learned she was much more vulnerable than she thought.

If she didn't hear Chen Xu's radio broadcast in the car, she would have already driven into the river to end her life.

When she knew that there was still someone alive in the world, she was ecstatic. So, she hurried back to the city. The moment she saw Chen Xu, she was very flustered. Being distracted for a moment, she lost control of her car and crashed into the cars parked by the roadside, leaving her injured and comatose.

When she woke up from her coma and after having seen a real person, her courage to continue living was rekindled.

Thoughts ran through Luo Xiyun's mind while she put on her thick down jacket. While she was brushing her teeth, she heard two gunshots from outside.

She was not at all surprised. She knew that it was Chen Xu practicing with his gun.

Gunning was one of Chen Xu's hobbies. Ever since she became neighbors with him, she heard gunshots every single day. She didn't know why he was so into it.

It was during the period of heavy rain some time ago that he had to suspend this activity. After the rain and snow ceased, he resumed shooting outside every morning.

After cleaning herself, she strapped on an apron and went to prepare breakfast.

She cooked porridge, pan-fried some luncheon meat, and then fried some peanuts to pair with the porridge.

When she first moved to the villa, she always made sandwiches for breakfast. It was when she found out that Chen Xu's stomach was sensitive and that he had to eat hot food in the morning that she switched to porridge.

Speaking of which, before the apocalypse, she had never cooked. She never thought that one day, she would cook for a man. After coming to the villa, everything new seemed to have become normal.

When there were only two people left in this world, no matter how they interacted with each other, as days went by, they would become indispensable to one another.

However, her attitude hadn't been that way at the very beginning.

She remembered the situation when she first met Chen Xu. After recovering her calm, she recognized Chen Xu, and she was somewhat disappointed.

She was the director of the company's human resource department and was quite familiar with who Chen Xu was.

Chen Xu was two years older than her. He graduated from some technical university and had a mediocre working ability. He was able to do his job, but nothing was outstanding. His personality leaned towards introversion, seeming to be not particularly social.

To put it bluntly, in her opinion, he was a qualified, yet expendable employee.

In terms of his appearance, he was again mediocre.

Such a man did not at all equal up to what she looked for in a man. If it wasn't the end of the world, she wouldn't even bother to look twice at him.

However, this man had become the only one of her kind in this world. What could she do? Even if she was reluctant, she could only submit to her fate.

Nonetheless, she had to be vigilant so as not to be harmed. She understood what men were like. Not to mention that in such a post-apocalyptic world, there were no longer legal or moral constraints. What would she do if he turned on her?

Therefore, at the very beginning, she projected a tough attitude in order to protect herself. At the same time, it was also a test so she could observe what kind of reaction the other party would have.

The result made her feel relieved. Chen Xu didn't exhibit the dark side of human nature.

In spite of that, the following developments were truly beyond her expectations.