Seducing the Boys?

Jim quickly undid the rest of my buttons and pulled my blouse open. I suddenly remembered that I was wearing a bra that hooked in front. They looked at my plain white bra for a few seconds before Bud reached for the hooks. He fumbled with it so long I started to think I was safe. Then Jim slapped his hand away and took charge. He pinched the hooks together and my bra flew open, exposing my breasts.

I didn't know if I should be embarrassed, or mad, or excited. I guess 'excited' won out because I didn't scream or cry or anything like that. This was farther than I had ever been with a boy before. I bit my lip and waited to see what they would do next.

Jim and Bud each took hold of a breast and started feeling and squeezing. As rough as they were, they still managed to get my nipples to come to attention quickly. When they felt them harden against their palms, they started pulling and rubbing them. I knew I should have protested more, but the truth is, I was as keen on playing the game as they were. It had been almost forever since a boy had touched me and I had often fantasized about being held down and fondled. I stopped struggling to get free and began wiggling with pleasure and flinching with pain whenever one of them pinched or squeezed too hard. After a bit, they got the hang of it and I had no more cause to flinch.

I lay my head back on the sofa and said, "See. They're all real. No socks." I surrendered to their rough caresses. I closed my eyes and moaned with pleasure as they continued to play with me. I arched my back when they pulled my nipples, pushing my sensitive boobs into their eager hands. I was totally lost in the pleasure of the moment.

When Jim put his lips around my nipple, I groaned in response. Bud copied his brother and they both started sucking, pulling my hard nipples into their mouths. I was in heaven. I rolled my head back and forth on the sofa and moaned.

"Oh, that feels wonderful!" I said and opened my eyes to see Mrs. Reynolds standing behind the sofa, looking down at me with a furious expression on her face.

"YOU SLUT!" she screamed. The fact that I was being held down was lost on her. I was the interloper. I was the villain. In a flash of insight, I realized that I had committed the unforgivable sin of getting her boys to suckle my breasts after they had spurned hers.

"YOU TRAMP!" By this time, her sons had jumped off the sofa and raced up the stairs, leaving me to face her alone. Not that it mattered. She had no blame for them. The fault was all mine.

"GET UP!" Mrs. Reynolds grabbed my hair and yanked me up off the couch. She marched me around to stand shaking in front of her. I tried to cover my naked breasts with my hands. I reached for the cups of my bra, trying to get it back on. She wasn't having any of that. She slapped my hands away and grabbed my bra and my blouse and yanked them both off my shoulders and down my back, pinning my arms at my sides.

She looked at me with a calculating fury, trying to decide what she could do to me. It would not take a genius to figure out what a woman so focused on her own breasts would do to someone she caught nursing her sons. She reached out and grabbed my nipples, pinching them between her thumbs and forefingers. She twisted them one way and then the other as I cried out in pain. A look of pure hate came into her eyes and she pulled up on my nipples, forcing me on my toes. She yanked them as high as she could, stretching them out until I thought they would rip from my breasts. I whimpered as she pulled and then again as she rolled her wrists to get better leverage. My toes were almost off the floor. She was pulling so hard that she had me all but dangling by my breasts. The pain was excruciating. It hurt so bad I couldn't scream, I just hung there, working my jaw, not making a sound. Mrs. Reynolds saw that she was hurting me as much as I could be hurt and let go.

I fell to the floor with my back against the coffee table. My poor nipples were red burning points of agony, throbbing at the end of my breasts. My hands were still trapped at my sides, so I could not reach my nipples to protect them as Mrs. Reynolds came at me again.

Desperate to get her to stop, I managed to moan out the only threat I could think of, "I'll tell my mother..." As soon as I said it I realized how hollow it was. So did Mrs. Reynolds.

"Tell your mother? What will you tell her? That I caught you with your tits out in my house; trying to seduce my boys? No, honey. I don't think so. I have a better idea. I will call your mother and tell her just that. I will tell her just what a slut and a whore you are. What do you think she will do to you?"

She had me. I had handed her the key and she turned it in the lock. If she told my mother what I had done, I would never see the light of day again. Mom would lock me in my room and never let me out. And she would be perfectly justified, because I would have proved to her that I was a filthy pervert, just like Dad.