Virginity Test

I backed away and sat on the bed as Mom came in. I deliberately left the robe open in front to stop her from wondering about my excessive modesty. 'Just us girls' could sit around in our underwear. I only remembered after the door opened that I didn't have any panties on.

She came right in and sat down on the bed next to me. "Samantha, I know you think I might be a little over-protective of you, but I want you to know that I only have your best interests at heart. If I seem to be too stern with you I want you to understand that I just want to protect you from the bad things that can happen to a young girl like you. You understand that, don't you?"

"Sure, Mom. I understand."

"Then you will understand that I have to ask you about your visit at the Reynolds' house. I know that Mrs. Reynolds has two teenage sons. Did you meet them when you were there?"

"Yes. Jim and Bud were there. Mrs. Reynolds made sure that we wouldn't have a chance to do anything but say hello to each other. And I don't think there will even be much of that after today. Mrs. Reynolds is even more protective of them than you are of me, Mom."

"That's very good. Then nothing went on between you and those boys?"

The shocked expression on my face may as well have been a neon sign lighting up "GUILTY" in red letters. I was instantly terrified that Mrs. Reynolds had called my mother and told her about my slutty behavior with her sons. As soon as it came, the fear went away. Mom would have been screaming at me at the top of her lungs if that had been the case. But if she didn't know what I had done, why was she interrogating me?

"I see," she said, taking my expression for a confession. "Very well. I can see that I need to talk to Mrs. Reynolds. You wait right here, young lady. Don't move. Don't get dressed."

Mom left the room and went down the hall to use the phone in the kitchen. I sat on my bed and wondered what was going on. Obviously, Mrs. Reynolds had not called Mom. Now, Mom was calling Mrs. Reynolds because I acted guilty when she asked me about Jim and Bud. Mrs. Reynolds would not tell Mom anything because she wanted a more personal type of revenge on me for seducing her boys.

I could not figure out why Mom told me not to get dressed. What did that have to do with anything? If Mrs. Reynolds told her what I knew she could, Mom would be furious, but surely she wouldn't spank me. I hadn't had a spanking in years. Certainly not one that required me to have a bare butt, so what was she thinking? By the time she came back I still had not figured it out.

She breezed back into the room and resumed her seat at the foot of the bed. "Mrs. Reynolds says you were perfectly behaved when you were there. She said you obeyed her every instruction and that you were a pleasure to have around." She looked at me with a stern expression. "That's why this is so hard for me. I want to believe that nothing happened. Mrs. Reynolds says nothing happened. But I have to be sure. You understand, don't you? I have to be sure."

"Sure of what, Mom?"

She hung her head as though she were ashamed of what she was thinking. "I have to be sure that those boys did not do anything to soil you."

"What? What are you saying?"

"Samantha, I have to check you."

"Check me for what?"

"Please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be. Just lie back on the bed."


"Lie back, I said!" She was bordering on hysteria. I had to go along with her even though I had no idea what was going on. I lay back on the bed with my head against the headboard and the pillow behind my back.

"Fine. Now spread your legs."


"Spread your legs, young lady! Do as I say!"

I finally figured out what she was up to. She wanted to check my hymen to see if it was intact. She was going to stick her hand up inside me and feel to see if I was still a virgin. I felt cold as ice. I pulled my knees up and spread them as far apart as I could. I spread the robe out on either side of me and bared my pussy for her examination. She reached out her hand, but I got there first. I slid my fingers into my pussy and pulled it wide open for her. She hesitated a second, then she stuck two fingers inside me and started probing. When she was in to the second knuckle, I felt her hit my hymen and I jumped. She felt all around it and then took her hand out of me. I lay here looking at her. I did not move. I did not speak. I just lay there holding my sex open so my mother could satisfy herself that I had not gotten laid.

"Thank you, Samantha. That will do." I let go of my pussy and it snapped shut. I wanted to say something to her. I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to slap her. I did nothing. I lay there and thought about what Mrs. Reynolds had done to me and how none of it had been more degrading than my own mother cramming her hand up my cunt because she was afraid I might have been 'soiled' by some nice boy's cock.

My mother left the room and closed the door behind her. I continued to stare at the back of the door and think about how humiliated I felt and how I wished I were somewhere else. Anywhere else. Even back with Mrs. Reynolds.

I slid down the bed so that my head was on the pillow and I started to stroke my pussy. I wondered if it were too soon for Mrs. Reynolds hormone pills to be having an effect. It didn't matter. At the moment, I just wanted to feel something else besides humiliated and hateful.

I rubbed my pussy until it got dripping wet. I put my finger inside me and got it wet with my juices. I used my slick finger to rub my little clit until it was as hard as a marble. I had made myself horny as I could be, but I could not cum.

Frustrated, I got off the bed and dropped the robe on the floor. I unhooked my bra and took it off, letting my breasts fall free. Reaching into a drawer where I kept school supplies, I took out two large binder clips and went back and lay down on the bed. I pressed open the strong steel clips and I stuck them on my tender nipples. The pain made me arch my back and writhe on the bed. I put both hands on my pussy and I started to rub myself furiously. I came in a matter of seconds. It was the best orgasm I had had in months. Maybe the best ever. I kept rubbing and gave myself another glorious climax and then another. When I had exhausted my ability to cum, I lay there and savored the feeling of having my nipples crushed in the clips. I almost thought I could cum from the pain, and I was disappointed when I didn't. I reluctantly took off the clips. I turned out the lights and crawled under the covers. It was really too early to go to bed, but I was tired and I wanted to escape into my dreams.