My hands were shaking as I anticipated the needle, but I did as she asked. I held my right breast straight out while she pushed the needle directly through the tip of my nipple and shoved it all the way in until the base of the needle pressed on the tip of my nipple. The feeling was horrible, but I was careful not to move a muscle. She pushed on the plunger and shot the entire load into my breast, withdrawing the needle at the same time so that the orange fluid flooded into my breast from base to nipple. She refilled the hypo and did the same thing to the other breast.
"Now listen carefully," she told me as she massaged the drug into my breasts, "this is very important. Do not touch your breasts unless you have to. Do not wear any tight clothing. Do not wear any bra except the one I will give you. Sleep in it tonight. Do not take it off except to bathe and then put it right back on after. Do not sleep or lie on your stomach. No jumping. No violent exercise. Find some excuse to skip cheerleading practice tomorrow and come directly here instead. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Mo... Ma'am." I blushed. I almost called her 'Mom'. I looked at the floor, embarrassed to meet her gaze.
She put her hand under my chin and lifted my head so she could look into my eyes. Her own seemed unusually watery.
"One more thing — you will probably be very hungry tonight. I will give you some sandwiches to eat later. Now, go do your homework," she told me.
I went back downstairs and sat down at the desk and got out my schoolbooks. I was careful to let my breasts hang free as I worked. After I finished my assignments I sat wondered what the latest injections would do to me. Mrs. Reynolds had described in detail how the other drugs she had given me would combine to devastate my breasts, but she hadn't told me what to expect from the orange stuff in the '901' bottle. I looked down at my chest. My firm D-cup breasts had been brutally stretched out into mostly empty sacks that could be pulled up to and almost over my shoulders. They were well on their way to becoming udders, as she had predicted. It seemed to be happening so fast. A few more weeks of what I had been through already and they would be just loose bags of skin with cow-teats hanging from them. What more could she do to me?
I put away my books and went over to sit on the sofa and watch TV until time for me to leave. While I was there, Jim and Bud came in to watch, too. They did not speak and barely looked at me. They sat down as far from me as they could get. After a few minutes I remembered Mrs. Reynolds admonition to let my breasts hang free as much as possible and I leaned forward and braced my elbows on my knees so that my breasts would hang between my legs. I had no sooner done this than I heard Bud go, "Eewwww!" When I looked over he was staring at my dangling bags.
Both boys got up and went out in the yard, leaving the French doors open. I continued to watch TV. A few minutes later, I heard someone come back inside, but I did not care to turn to see who it was. I heard them walk around the room, breathing hard, then they came over and stood next to me. I still refused to acknowledge their presence. Both boys were on my permanent shit-list for the way they had reacted to my performance earlier, not to mention not standing up for me after getting me in trouble with their mother in the first place.
Whoever it was, was breathing all over me. I finally got annoyed enough to respond. I turned with a fierce look on my face and found myself face to face with the biggest dog I had ever seen. I guess I knew they had a dog. Somebody had mentioned it, sometime, but I had been too engrossed in my own problems to think to look for one. I had never been in the backyard and this was the first time the door had been left open, so we had not had the chance to become acquainted until now.
I stared at the dog with a feeling of deep uncertainty. He was seriously huge. His head was several inches above mine and I was sitting on the sofa while he was still standing on the floor. His breath was hot, but it did not smell bad. It felt kind of good on my naked skin, like standing in front of a heater after a cold shower. He did not look mean or anything, but he was much bigger and, I had no doubt, much stronger than me. I noticed a tag hanging from his broad leather collar. It said, "Brute" in all capital letters. The dog continued to stare at me as though he was fascinated by me. Perhaps he had a right, how many topless teenaged cheerleaders could he have met, anyway?
"Hi." I whispered. I did not mean it to be a whisper, but it came out that way. The dog did not answer back, which was just as well. Any sound he made at the current distance of under two feet would have scared me silly. I wondered how he would react if I tried to pet him. I decided not to risk it. As the dog and I continued our staring contest, I got a good look at him. Except for being so darn huge, he was a good-looking animal. His coat was short and shiny. The muscles under his skin bulged impressively. His eyes had an intelligent and kind look to them. The more I looked, the more I decided that I liked him. I had never had a dog and I had only brief meetings with the pets of friends, so maybe I felt deprived.