Losing my Virginity

I was so hot I discovering that I had an audience kicked my arousal over the edge and sent me spiraling into a climax. I arched my back even further and pushed my hips even higher to give them a good look at my pussy. As I stared back at the guys in the truck, I felt my orgasm spark in my clit and rush out to the rest of my body. I needed no more stimulation on my clit, so I grabbed my breasts and squeezed them. As my climax exploded in my head, my eyes shut by themselves. I shrieked as loud as I could so the men could hear me cum as well as see me, then I lost myself in my climax.

I don't remember the car starting up again or the rest of the ride back. The next thing I knew, we were pulling into the driveway of Mrs. Reynolds' house, my fingers were back in my pussy, and I was heading for another climax. I was finding it easier to reach the place where I was so aroused that I could just float along with the least amount of stimulation to my hard clit or my engorged nipples. It was like spinning up a top so that it would stand on its own. I could keep humming along on the verge of orgasm with just a tweak here or a squeeze there. It was wonderful. I supposed it was like being drunk, which I had never been, but there was a fuzzy mental haze and a sense of relaxed euphoria that I thought must have been like that. There was also a sense of excited anticipation of the orgasm that was just about to hit me. I started to wonder if I could walk around like that, just coasting along on a pre-orgasmic high with my clit bulging out between my pussy lips.

Mrs. Reynolds parked the car by the side door so we would not have to carry our shopping bags any further than necessary. When she stopped the car, I jumped out and ran around to the trunk to help with the bags. She popped the trunk open and we grabbed a couple of bags apiece and carried them into the house. It wasn't until we were inside that Mrs. Reynolds reminded me.

"Sam, did you forget something?"

"Hmmm?" I was really zoned out. I must have had a goofy grin on my face as I stood there holding my shopping bags, flexing my ass and jerking my hips to keep my clit buzzing.

"You left something in the back seat. You better run get it."

"OK." I put down the bags and walked back down to the car. It wasn't until I opened the rear door and stuck my head in that I realized what she had sent me for. My clothes were laying on the car seat and I was standing in the driveway completely naked. I had been so fuzzy when I got out of the car that I hadn't thought about my clothes. It never even occurred to me to be shocked at standing outside in the nude. I picked up my clothes and folded them neatly before carrying them into the house.

"Let's leave the bags here." Bambi said. "Come on upstairs with me. We have some unfinished business."

I followed her up to her bedroom like a puppy. I was so looking forward to getting my cherry popped that my pussy juice had run down my legs to my knees. I hopped up on the bed and started rubbing my pussy again.

Bambi undressed quickly. She must have been nearly as aroused as I was. After all, she hadn't cum in the car. She had to sit and watch me cum my brains out for the guys in the truck. She ran to the bathroom and came back with a bath towel that she stuck under my ass. I realized that this was to keep my blood off the bedspread and I got even more excited. I was about to be changed from a girl to a woman.

I watched Bambi as she went into her big walk-in closet and come back with a pink plastic dildo attached to some straps. She stepped into the straps and pulled them up around her waist and her legs. When she tightened the straps the dildo stood straight out from between her legs. It looked like she had a pink cock. She squirted something from a small clear bottle into her hand and rubbed it over the head of the dildo. When she came over to the bed, I got so excited that I started to breathe hard and fast.

I must have looked scared, laying there on the bed, waiting on her to stick that big pink think in me and make me bleed. She took my hand and put it on the dildo. She started fucking the dildo through my fingers. I could feel the slick lube on the plastic. The dildo must have been only about six inches long, but to me it seemed gigantic.

I had one hand on the dildo and one on my pussy, stroking both. I slowly started to pull the dildo toward my small opening. Bambi responded to my pull. She pulled my legs toward her so that my rear end was almost hanging off the edge of the bed. She put the head of the dildo into my pussy, slid it in until she felt the resistance of my hymen and looked me in the eyes.

"Last chance," she said. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I was breathing so fast I was close to fainting. My clit was so hard I would have cum if she blew on it. The feeling of the dildo in my pussy was pushing me quickly over the edge into another climax. I nodded and said, "Do it. Fuck me!"

She grabbed hold of my ass and braced her legs against the bed frame. She pulled back her hips a couple of inches. Before I had a chance to change my mind, she rammed her hips forward, driving the dildo into my pussy.