A Serious Case of Blue Balls

"OK, guys. That's all. Put them away... for now." I smiled and winked at both boys. I waited until they had zipped up and sorted themselves out again. I tried with all my might not to let them see that letting go of their cocks was very hard for me to do. Having had a taste of cock, I found that I liked it. I liked it a lot. In addition to the feeling of power it gave me to have them at my mercy, I liked the sensation of handling, touching, tasting and even smelling their vaguely musky scent. I especially liked the looks on Jim and Bud's faces while I was sucking their cocks. It was a really wonderful feeling to make someone feel that good. I decided right then that I was going to get very well-acquainted with these two guys.

"Sit down. Here, let me sit between you. I want to talk to you." Unlike the last time we had sat on this couch together, they made room for me. I sat down between them and they scooted away to a respectful, even cautious, distance.

"It's OK, you can sit closer. But no hands, unless I say it's OK." They slid back to a comfortable distance. Not on top of me this time, but close enough to touch. I put a hand on the closest thigh. They twitched, but did not move away.

"This is the thing. I want you to do me a favor. Your mother loves you very much." I looked at them both to see if they were paying attention. As soon as I mentioned their mother they both looked like the conversation had gone somewhere they had not expected. "I know you realize that she is a very touchy-feely person?" I looked for a response to this and they both nodded. I was beginning to think neither of them was exactly a sparkling conversationalist. "Well, you can do me a big favor if you will both try to give her a hug or two every day. It would make her very happy and it would make me very happy. It will certainly do you no physical harm." At the phrase "physical harm", both of them became much more alert.

To my surprise, they even became vocal. Jim said, "Sure. We can do that."

Bud looked doubtful, "But she keeps trying to rub her tits on me." He whined.

"And you have a problem with women's breasts?" I asked. "You seem to like mine just fine. Especially now."

"Gee, you know, she's our mother and all." Jim added.

"Guys, let me clue you in. You may find this disgusting, but it is information that you need to know. The happiest time in your mother's life was when she was breastfeeding you. She misses that. I'm not saying you should each grab a nipple and start sucking. Although she might just love it if you did. But try not to avoid it when she feels like holding you to her breasts. It's OK. Women like to do that. Especially mothers with their children. It's not perverted and it's not really sexual. It's an emotional bonding... OK, it's a girl-thing and you better learn to like it. Got it?"

"Yeah." "Unhuh."

"Good, but let's work on that 'manners' thing we were talking about, hmmm? Can I get a 'yes, ma'am'?"

"Yes, ma'am!" "Yes, ma'am!"

"Very good. I think we're going to get along fine. It you do what I tell you; if you take my advice about how to treat girls, you will find that your popularity with the opposite sex will go way up. Now, so you can get some practice, I want you to hug me like you will hug your mother when she comes down. Bud first."

I leaned over to Bud and he put his arms around me. He was unsure what to do with his head, so I pushed it down onto my chest. As he held me I went, "Mmmmmm."

When it was Jim's turn he caught onto the head on the breasts business right away. He even kissed me on the breast, which made me tingle. "Excellent!" I told him. "And I promise it won't hurt when you do it to your mother."

"Well, you three seem to be getting along," Mrs. Reynolds had snuck up behind us the same way I had snuck up on the boys. "What was that about doing something to me?"

I looked at both boys. Neither moved. I poked them with a stiff finger. They both got that "Oh, you mean ME" look so common to boys with short attention spans. Jim was the first out of his seat. He went around to his mother and gave her a big hug. Bud followed right behind. Mrs. Reynolds looked shocked. When both boys pressed their heads to her breasts, she figured it out and looked over at me. I gave her a big smile and blew her a kiss.

"Did you tell them about the new arrangements?" She asked me.

"No. I thought I would let you explain that."

Jim and Bud looked puzzled. Jim asked, "What's going on? What arrangements?"

"Boys," Mrs. Reynolds said, "I told you that Samantha would be staying for the weekend, remember? Well, there has been a small change of plans. It looks like she will be with us for a bit longer than that. Jim. Bud. Say hello to your new sister."

I got to my feet and wiggled my fingers at Jim and Bud. Their expressions alternated between surprise, joy and terror as the possibilities of having me as a permanent member of the household flashed through their heads. Their reaction to the news was everything I could have wanted.

"Sam, you might want to call your friend before we leave for the restaurant." Mrs. Reynolds said, handing me the menu with Neeka's number on it.