Finishing off Jim and Smothering Bud...

Encouraged, I felt the head of his cock with my other hand. It felt spongy and firm. The skin was very smooth and hot. I stroked and petted it with my fingers as I worked the shaft with my fist. I must have been doing it right, because his cock grew quickly and got very hard in my hand. The skin drew taut over the shaft and I felt veins bulge out. I relaxed my grip and let my hand slide over his cock, just stroking the shaft lightly. His hips started to buck under me and I had to spread my legs to keep from being thrown off. This pulled the skin away from my clit and I reached down between my legs and started to stroke my pussy with the same rhythm I was using on Jim's cock. In no time at all, I had juice running from my pussy. I slid up his thighs so my wetness was pressed against the base of his hard cock. The shaft reached to above my navel. I imagined it inside me, pushing into my vagina and I started rocking my hips to rub my clit against his cock.

I quit stroking and let go of the shaft. His cock stood straight up against my belly with no help from me. I leaned over him and put my hands on the bed on either side of his chest. I rocked my hips forward and his cock slid between my legs. I pressed my pussy against it and rubbed up and down its length. The feeling of his hot hard cock rubbing against my clit sent me into a frenzy. I bucked my hips as fast as I could, grinding on his hard thing. When I felt his hands on my breasts I moaned with pleasure. He pawed my breasts and pulled too roughly on my nipples, but I was too into the feeling of his cock sliding between my pussy lips to complain.

I was so hot from having my pussy touching a real cock that I came very quickly. I stopped rubbing myself on his cock and held still as the climax turned my whole body into one big exposed nerve. I shuddered with pleasure and collapsed onto Jim's chest, pressing my breasts into him. I was still cumming when I felt his cock start to pulse against my clit. It wasn't until I heard him moan and push his hips off the bed that I realized that he was cumming too. His cock throbbed a few times, squirting his hot cum against my stomach. Too late, I realized I could have had had his cock inside me and felt what was like to have a cock cream my pussy.

Jim put his arms around me and held me as we both recovered from our orgasms. I was dropping from the high of my climax into a wonderful afterglow when I felt his hands move down my back to cup my ass-cheeks. His hands felt so good on my bare ass as he kneaded and squeezed them. What had been too rough on my breasts was wonderful on my butt. I was lying there, enjoying being massaged and pulled apart by his exploring fingers when I heard a loud growl from my stomach and I realized that I wasn't going to be able to postpone lunch any longer.

"Lunchtime." I told him. "Come and eat." I peeled myself off of his stomach and got off the bed to get my towel. I used it to clean up both of us before I realized that I now had nothing to wear.

"I'll find you something to put on." Jim said, smiling. "Go tell Bud it's time for lunch."

I grinned back. What he meant was, "Go tell Bud without a stitch of clothes on." I was game. While Jim rummaged through his dresser, I went out into the hall and down to Bud's door. It was standing open and Bud was sitting at his PC, intently playing a game. I tiptoed up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Bud? Lunchtime. Come and get it."

"Yeah, yeah. In a minute." He said. He did not even turn around.

"Come now and you will get served. Wait and you fix your own." I said.

"OK! In a minute!" He said, still into the game.

I grabbed the back of his swivel chair and spun it around as hard as I could. When he was facing me I jumped into his lap with my legs on either side on his. I leaned over so his face was between my breasts and grabbed the back of the chair.

"Do I have your attention?" I said, right into his ear.

There was a muffled squeak from my chest. "Yes," he said.

"Lunch is ready. Will you be joining us?"

This time I felt his head move up and down between my breasts as he nodded his assent. I smiled. Bud was learning to take advantage of the opportunities that came his way. I knew that the next time I spoke to him I would get his undivided attention.

"Do you want me to get off your lap?" I asked. Bud shook his head, 'no', rubbing his face around in my cleavage.

"Are you sure I'm not smothering you?" I asked. He shook his head again and closed his arms around my back, hugging me to him. I squirmed a little, rubbing myself against him. I could feel his cock growing in his pants. I stood up, straddling the swivel chair and reached down between us to unzip his fly. Then I reached in and pulled his cock out. It was much bigger than when I had it in my mouth. It was much thicker than the big double-headed dildo that Bambi and I had played with earlier. There was no way that it was going to fit inside my pussy. Still, I had to try. I had just missed one opportunity to get a real cock inside me. There was no way I was going to pass up another.