I Almost Fucked Your Babies!

Their unease with the situation vanished as soon as the mental image of a certain redhead and a certain busty blonde locking lips next to them on the couch came into focus.

"She has a point," Bud said to Jim. "Actually, she has two of them, and they are attached to a fantastic body."

"Darn right," Jim said. "And she is perfectly free to date anyone she chooses. I have no problem with that at all."

"Thank you very much, Bud. Your sucking-up has been duly noted." I turned to Jim. I was glad to hear that his initial concern had been dealt with I would have supposed that having a mother who was bisexual would have eliminated that particular prejudice, but maybe Bambi was more discreet about her affairs than I had thought, or maybe her boys were just rebelling by becoming more conservative.

"So you think Neeka is shy, hunh? I tell you what, I bet you that I can get my date out of her clothes quicker than you can get Lori out of hers."

Jim looked like he was tempted to decline the bet. He knew he should have, but I had tweaked his male ego and he had to accept or lose face.

"You're on." He said. He looked like he knew he was going to lose, but he was going through with it and take his beating like a man. "Ah, what are we betting?"

I thought for a minute. I had already established that I could make them do anything I wanted, so making Jim suffer for losing the bet seemed petty.

"OK, here it is." I told him, trying hard not to smile as I gave him the bad news. "If you win, I have to suck your cock right there in the room in front of both our dates. If I win, you have to eat my pussy."

The look on Jim's face was priceless. I could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to find the downside to the bet. He was still thinking about it when we got to the breakfast room.

Bambi was just putting the last drinks on the table when the three of us paraded in.

"Well, that took long enough." She said.

"Sorry," I said. "It was hard. But I finally got them to come."

"That's good, I was afraid you had..." She stopped in mid-sentence as she parsed the secondary meaning of what I had said and then saw that I was wearing Jim's jersey and not the towel I had gone upstairs in. She turned her face away and bit her knuckle to keep from laughing out loud. I kept a straight face so I wouldn't give her away. She recovered quickly and went to sit down. She had just reached for her chair when Bud hopped up and pulled it out for her.

"Thank you dear," she said. Bud decided not to stop at holding her chair and stepped in front of her. He put his arms around her and gave her a big hug. He squeezed so hard that her blouse came open, exposing a breast. I expected Bud to recoil in embarrassment, but he didn't. He took the exposed breast in his hand and raised it to his lips and kissed the nipple. Then he pulled his mother's blouse closed and stepped back.

Mrs. Reynolds had no time to react before Jim followed Bud's example. He also gave his mother a big hug. But this time there was no accident. Jim deliberately pulled her blouse open and put his hand under her other breast. He bent his head to her nipple and sucked it into his mouth briefly before returning it with a parting kiss.

Bambi was speechless. She had just had her fondest wish fulfilled. She flushed and dropped into the offered chair so abruptly that I thought her knees must have failed her. As Jim and Bud took their own seats, I watched Bambi try to come to grips with what had just happened. A smile slowly spread across her face. She looked across the table at me through tear-filled eyes. I smiled and shook my head slightly, denying any responsibility. I had merely suggested that they thank her; it was their decision how to do it.

While the rest of us ate heartily, Bambi picked at her food, too stunned to eat. After a few minutes of pushing an olive around her plate, she excused herself and left the room. We could all see the tears on her cheeks as she left. As soon as the door swung closed behind her, both boys turned to me.

"Guys, I'm very proud of you." I told them. "You have made your mother happier than she has been in years."

"But she was crying," Bud observed. He gave me an accusing glare.

"Yes. She was. I know it makes no sense and I can't explain it. Women cry when they are happy just like they cry when they are unhappy. Trust me, those were happy tears. Girls can tell."

Bud and Jim had finished their sandwiches, cleared their plates from the table, and gone back upstairs by the time Bambi came back, still dabbing her eyes. I was halfway through my second sandwich.

"You were right about needing to refuel," I told her. "I'm hungry as a bear."

"Would you like me to fix you something more?" She asked.

"No, thanks. This should hold me." I crammed a couple of chips into my mouth.

She picked up her untouched sandwich and started to eat. Every time I looked up I saw her watching me. It started to make me uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Do I have mayonnaise on my chin?"


"Why are you staring at me?"

"I've never seen an angel before."

I almost choked on my food. When I managed to swallow, I said, "How do you figure?"

"You've been living here less than 24 hours and you have already given me my husband back, you've demonstrated supernormal powers, and you've given me my babies back. You must be an angel."

This was a new game to me. I thought while I ate. Then I said, "Where are my wings?"

"The same place as your mole. You will grow them back when you need them."

"And my halo?"

"I can see it now."

"Your eyes are full of tears. You're seeing halos everywhere."

"True. It doesn't mean one of them isn't real."

She was starting to scare me with this game. I thought she might be serious. I thought of a way to shock her.

"I fucked your babies."