Letting Them Go...

I wiped my hand across my now-healed neck to get off the rest of the blood. That would be hard to explain if one of my friends got too close and I would have a harder time explaining things to the EMTs. I reached out and smeared it on Bubba's forehead. With the rest of my blood on him, no one would notice. Everyone would assume it was his.

My friends were coming up behind Brute to savor our victory. I waved them back. I didn't want anyone getting grabbed at the last minute. I kicked Leon smartly in the back and then cuffed Bubba on the ear to get their attention. They groaned and flopped back on the floor.

"LISTEN TO ME, YOU ASSHOLES!" They were just barely able to divide their attention between Brute and me. I stepped over Leon to stand next to the huge dog so they wouldn't have to.

"It's your lucky day, morons. You get to walk, well, hobble, out of here in one piece. You will go directly to the first cop you can find and turn yourselves in. If you can't find a cop, and I know that can be tough sometimes, you will go all the way back to the farm. Now I hear you thinking — why should I do this? Why should I not just lam out of here and keep going? Brute! Eat them!"

I don't know what I expected. I thought it would scare them. I got more than I bargained for. Bubba flinched and pulled a leg up away from Brute. Brute reacted by lunging for him and got hold of the meaty part of the leg just above the knee. Brute then started to shake Bubba like he was a rag-doll toy. I had no idea how strong that dog actually was until that moment. Bubba must have been over 200 pounds himself and Brute shook him like he was nothing.

None of this was lost on Leon. He started crying like a baby. He was watching his friend being eaten and he knew he would be next.

I let it go on for a few seconds longer than I should have. I said, "OK, Brute. That's enough. Easy boy." I used as calm a tone this time as I had used a mean tone when siccing him on Bubba. It worked. Brute stopped shaking Bubba. He kept hold of the leg though and growled again. I didn't know which was scarier, Brute shaking Bubba, or just holding him and growling.

Bubba wanted to beg for his life, but all he could manage was, "please, please, please, please, please," in a very small voice.

"He's tasted your flesh." I told Bubba. "He can follow you anywhere. When he catches you, he will tear you apart and eat your guts from your living body. You have one hour to get back where you came from or turn yourselves in to the police. I will be listening to the news. If I don't hear about your recapture in that hour, Brute here will be on your trail. Am I perfectly clear? Oh, one more thing. You were never here. I don't care what story you tell, but if you mention this house, I will make sure everyone hears the story about how two big bad cons had their butts kicked by a little girl. I'm sure that will go down real good back at the farm. Now get up and walk very slowly out of here. Try not to bleed on the carpet." Bubba was so scared I believe he did think the blood was his.

Both of them dragged each other up the stairs and out the front door. Leon was hurting pretty bad and wheezing. I think one of his broken ribs had punctured a lung. Bubba kept one hand in his groin like his balls would drop out of his pants if he let go.

It did not take an hour. They were still in sight, about a block and half down the hill when a Police cruiser pulled up along side them and they both collapsed on the sidewalk like they were falling into a feather bed. I watched as the cop checked them out and then got on the radio. A couple of minutes later an ambulance pulled up and the EMTs hopped out. I shut the door.

No one said a word until we were back downstairs on the sofa. Everyone had been untied and the ropes lay in a pile on the coffee table with Bubba's shiv and the nipple clamps. Brute sat at my feet, my faithful protector. Sara brought us all sodas. I knew there were questions that would be asked. I hoped I could count on Bud and Jim to help deflect some of them. They knew enough to understand how some of the trick was done. Neeka had lots of practice at keeping her mouth shut, so it was going to be Lori and Sara who would be doing the asking.

"Sam?" Sara said, to start. I tried to imagine what question she would ask.

"Thank you," she said. "You saved my life. Hell, you probably saved all our lives."

Lori said, "That was the greatest thing I have ever seen. You beat the crap out of them. I thought they would kill you, but you beat them." She got up and went over to the chrome-plated dumbbell I had hit Leon with. She looked at it and then tried to pick it up. She could barely move it. Jim went over and picked it up with two hands and put it back in the rack with the others.

"It says it weighs 40 pounds," Lori said in an awed tone. "And you threw it at him. You hit him hard enough to break his ribs. I heard them snap."

"You kicked Bubba's balls into the next county. He went down like a big sack of oranges falling off the produce truck," she went on. "But the most impressive thing, the thing that I still can't believe, even though I watched you do it, was hanging upside down from your nipples and getting yourself off that hook. Aren't you hurt? They don't even look bruised, just a little red."

Neeka reached over and touched my nipples. I had not bothered to dress again and neither had Neeka. I was sure that she would when I did. She was just being her usual silent, supportive self. Neeka stroked my breasts and asked, "Are you sure you're all right? Is there anything I can do for you?"

I smiled, "Kiss them and make them better?" She did, without hesitation. She kissed both my nipples very gently and very tenderly. I felt a warm feeling starting in my pussy. Neeka and I had some unfinished business.