Investigating my Powers

"So we can read your mind? Is that it?" she said, suspiciously.

"You heard me when I 'spoke' to Neeka," I said, "and I never opened my mouth. I thought Neeka might be able to hear me, from the way she always seemed to know just what I was thinking; but you surprised me."

I had been thinking how Bambi and I were so much in tune with each other that I had been missing all the clues about Neeka and me. That's why it was so much of a shock for me. Almost as much as it was for Fiona Morgan.

"Can we try it again? I'm having a hard time believing this."

Bambi said, "Let's try this — Monique, would you go back to the other end of the room, please. Thanks. Now, Sam, I want you to ask Neeka to do something. It doesn't matter what."

"OK, "I said. I waited until Neeka got to the far end of the big room. It was about fifty feet long and twenty feet deep. She was standing some forty feet away. I silently asked her to blow me a kiss. She smiled and did just what I asked.

"Any time you're ready," Bambi said.

"That was it." I said. I asked Mrs. Morgan, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Good," Bambi said, "now ask Fiona something."

I silently asked Mrs. Morgan if she would like some more ice in her drink.

"No thanks. I'm fine right now... Oh my God! It was just like you spoke to me! I heard your voice clear as day."

Bambi let out a breath. "It's selective. Or it's directional. At least you're not broadcasting where everyone can hear every thought in your head. Neeka? Did you hear anything just now?"

Neeka said, "She asked if Mom wanted more ice."

I said, "Maybe it's more a matter of tuning, like a radio? Neeka and I are on the same frequency or something."

"Could be. Could be this is something that works better the younger you are. We don't know enough yet. I want to know if it works the other way around. Fiona, think of your favorite brand of bourbon. Sam? Anything?"

Listening was a different thing than sending. To send, I just had to think about it. I wasn't sure how to receive. I tried concentrating on Mrs. Morgan. I tried relaxing and being passive. I tried everything I could think of. I ran out of ideas. Mrs. Morgan picked up her drink and took a sip. I wondered what bourbon tasted like. Suddenly the worst taste I have ever had in my mouth flooded across my tongue. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue and said, "Ewwwwww! Yuck! What is that!"

I heard Mrs. Morgan say, "Jack Daniels."

"Well it's awful! How can you drink that stuff?"

I heard a laugh and then, "Practice." It was then that I realized that Mrs. Morgan had not spoken and neither had I. I pulled my bourbon-soaked tongue back in my mouth and clapped a hand over it.

"What's wrong?" Bambi asked.

Neeka laughed from the far end of the room. "She doesn't like the taste of Mom's drink. She's never tasted liquor before and she thinks it's awful. Sorry, I should have said something. I can not only hear what Sam is thinking, I can feel what she's feeling."

"Let's try this again," I said. "Without the bourbon, please? I have an idea." I sent to Mrs. Morgan, "Did you have a hard time keeping your hands off your pussy for 24 hours?"

The wave of embarrassment I got back was swamped by the surge of arousal that she felt on remembering the torment that being denied release had meant. We both blushed deeply. I could not tell if the excitement I felt was hers or mine. Neeka moaned and I smiled. I could hardly wait to get her alone. I had a few things I wanted to think at her. Neeka sat down on a weight bench and pressed her knees together.

"I can ask questions and get answers," I said aloud. "I can't just tune-in on her thoughts. She has to be thinking back at me. I can share what she's feeling if I am concentrating on her, though. Although, Neeka can tap my thoughts anytime. She can feel whatever I... oh shit! Neeka! I'm so sorry!" I was devastated by my comprehension of what I had done to her.

"It's OK." Neeka said, running over to sit on the couch and put her arms around me. "You didn't know and it doesn't matter."

"I'm lost, here," Bambi said.

"Me, too," Mrs. Morgan added.

I hung my head. I had hurt someone I cared about. I was ashamed.

"She's embarrassed," Neeka said. "She thinks she hurt me. She's wrong. It's not her fault. Those men did it. They tortured her. The pain was awful. Then she did it to herself a hundred times worse in order to get free and defeat them. She feels bad because she knows now that I felt everything she did. She blames herself for hurting me."

"What did they do to her?" Bambi asked Neeka, with a fierce note of anger in her voice.

"It was horrible," Neeka said, "They tied her hands behind her. They put clamps on her nipples and tied them to one of those hooks in the ceiling. They thought they were hurting her by making her balance on that bench while she was hanging by her breasts. She outfoxed them. She flipped upside down and stood on the ceiling while her whole weight was suspended from her nipples. She got her hands free and undid the clamps and dropped to the floor. Then she... she made an obscene gesture at them. That was fantastic! She took all that pain and she came back at them. They rushed her. She beat them to a pulp. She wanted Jim to open the door, but his hands were tied, so I did it. She called Brute in and used him to scare them into turning themselves in to the police. I don't think they really had a choice about that. They both needed a doctor by then."