Family Breakfast

I shaved for both of us and I honestly lost track of whose leg was whose. I almost removed her pubic hair before I remembered that hers was red and mine was blonde and she kept a strip of hers and I shaved mine completely. I asked why she didn't let it grow, since it was such a beautiful red bush. She told me that I could do anything I wanted with it if I wanted to take care of it for her. I told her I wanted it to be a heart and that I would take care of the maintenance. She thought that both were wonderful ideas.

Since she had not brought any clean clothes to wear and none of mine would fit her; we decided to wear nightgowns to breakfast. I put on my sheer baby doll with the open front and the micro-thong. She wore a set in sheer white lace with a tie-top and a pair of boy-shorts that were almost too tight on her. We thought we were a couple of knock-outs.

On our way downstairs we peeked in on the boys, hoping to find out who slept with whom, but their rooms were empty. We looked into Bambi's room, but it was vacant too. Apparently we were the slugabeds this morning.

An advantage to being the last ones downstairs was that we were able to make a grand entrance. As we walked into the breakfast room, we strutted and posed like models. The reaction was all we could have wanted.

As soon as we walked in, the room became quiet as all eyes turned to admire us. My theory about clothes being sexier than nudity got further confirmation from the admiring stares we got from people who had already seen everything we had. Bud and Jim offered wolf-whistles to show their appreciation and Neeka blushed so red that her freckles disappeared.

We were the only ones who had 'dressed' for breakfast. Lori and Sara were wearing the boys' football jerseys. They fit like tents. Both girls had to keep tugging the sleeves up to keep them out of their food. The boys had on t-shirts and shorts. Bambi and Fiona both wore knee-length bathrobes, so we couldn't tell what, if anything, they had on.

Lori said to her sister, "Sara, can you imagine wearing something like that to breakfast at home?

"Dad would just die!" Sara answered. "Mom would positively freak! Oh I wish we could. Those are soooooo pretty."

With the fashion show over, Neeka went over and kissed her mother good morning. This seemed like a good idea, so I kissed her too. I may have lingered a little long while doing it, but she didn't seem to mind.

I kissed Bambi good morning, and Neeka had to follow suit. All this kissing seemed to start a fad, as Bud and Jim insisted on being kissed by both of us and then we both kissed Lori and Sara so they wouldn't feel left out. While I was kissing Sara, I felt her hand slide up my side and under my top where it came to rest on my breast. Wondering if this was going somewhere, I kept kissing her and was rewarded with some tongue and a friendly squeeze. As the kiss broke, I slid my cheek against hers and my mouth up to her ear where I did my best imitation of a cat purring before I licked her earlobe. She giggled and looked at me like she wanted to get me alone. I hoped it wasn't just to talk.

We took places at the table and Bambi served us bacon, eggs, and toast. I must have been running behind on my calories because I finished mine in record time and polished off two pieces of fruit out of the bowl in the middle of the table before It occurred to me to wonder if it was just for decoration or not. Bambi saw me stuffing my face and brought me a second helping of eggs and a big glass of milk. Only when I had put it all away, did I realize how hungry I had been. The kind of physical effort that I was used to in gym class or cheerleading was nothing compared to the energy I could burn doing mental control stuff. I was going to have to watch my diet as carefully as any diabetic to avoid running my blood sugar dangerously low. I wondered if any of the comic book superheroes had to carry around a handbag full of candy bars. I pictured myself flying through the air with my cape snapping in the wind, dropping candy wrappers behind me. I could be Super Litterbug.

Neeka snorted and milk dribbled out the corner of her mouth. She looked at me accusingly. I shrugged and tried to look apologetic. We were either going to have to work out a way to control our telepathy or I would have to learn to restrain my sense of humor.

"Neeka? Are you OK?", Mrs. Morgan asked. She wasn't yet used to the idea that conversations could be going on without her being aware. I sent her the same image with a short explanation. She laughed too, which confused everyone else at the table. I sighed. There were a lot of very good reasons for not telling everyone all the things I could do, but I could see that it was going to be was very awkward and annoying to have to keep thinking of cover stories and explanations all the time.

All during the meal, I noticed that Lori and Sara stared at our lingerie as much as the boys did. When we decided to show off, we had not thought that we might be stirring up envy in our friends and I was regretting doing it. I took Bambi aside and asked her if she might have some clothes that the Henderson's could wear.

"I think I might be able to find something that would fit them," she said with a conspiratorial smirk. I was just going to wash the clothes they had on yesterday, but I like your idea better."