Breastfeeding Sara

"You sound like that wouldn't bother you."

"What? Being loose or having enough sex to make me that way? I guess neither would upset me too much," I giggled. "I love sex. I love what you're doing to me. Don't stop. Can you reach any deeper?"

"I can try. You're so wet! But don't tell me you're not getting laid every time you snap your fingers. The boys were already drooling over you before. Now that you've had this 'growth-spurt' or whatever, they'll be lining up for your attention. "

She crawled up to straddle my stomach so she could play with my boobs and still keep her fingers in my pussy. I lay back and let her do what ever she wanted to me. It was all good.

"I love your tits!" she exclaimed. "They're wonderful!"

I couldn't tell if it was envy or lust making her say that. I really didn't care, as long as she didn't stop touching me. I reached behind her and ran a finger between her labia. They folded open for me and a few drops of her juice ran out onto my fingers. I put one finger into her pussy and then two. I still had room to move around, but I stopped at two.

"You're pretty loose," I said, teasingly. "Have you been getting too much cock for your own good?"

She laughed and pushed herself down onto my hand. I pushed back and a third finger went in. I pushed harder and they sank deep into her. She moaned in response.

"I've been fucking Bud," she said with her teeth clenched, "That will open you up good."

"I wondered who would end up with who. I thought you two had traded guys right before you snuck out last night."

"Oh, it's better than that. Lori and I went back and forth. Bud is just too big to take without being stretched, so we both had Jim fuck us first. After that, we both fucked Bud. It was a lot of fun doing it together."

"How was it with Bud?"

"Heavenly! It's like being touched everywhere inside all at once. And when he came in me, I just thought I would burst! Then we went back to Jim and so on."

"This is pretty close to heaven right now," I said in a shaky voice. Thinking about the Hendersons fucking Jim and Bud all night had me close to the edge and it would not take much to make me cum."

"Me too! Faster, please. Oh. Oh. Oooooooo! Just like that."

"Rub my clit. Yesssss!"

We both came on each other's fingers. I could feel Sara's pussy squeezing my hand when she came.

Afterwards, we cuddled on the bed. Sara lay with her cheek on my right breast, breathing on my nipple. In my aroused condition, it didn't take long for it to swell up. Finally, I could not take it any more and I rose up on my elbow so that my nipple pressed against her lips. She opened her eyes and looked at me as she opened her mouth and took my nipple inside. I felt her hot, wet tongue lick it and then she sucked on it. I purred for her then and she kept on sucking and licking.

I relaxed into the wonderful feeling. It was just so pleasant and so peaceful. I felt my breast get warm and swell as my milk began to flow. It felt so natural that I didn't think until later that I had not had to will it to happen. When Sara got her first taste, her reaction was to curl up in my arms and suckle like a baby. I held her and stroked her cheek as she drank my milk. I never wanted the moment to end.

Eventually, Sara had her fill. She quit nursing and let my nipple slip from her mouth. She looked up at me, licked her lips, and smiled sweetly.

"Wow," she said, and then, "Wow" again. "That was... incredible! I feel so warm and safe and peaceful! I didn't want to stop, but I'm full. You may have to burp me."

I picked her up and put her head over my shoulder. She was as limp as over-cooked spaghetti. I patted her back and she gave a tiny burp as the milk settled in her stomach. I felt her smile on my shoulder. I rocked her gently for a bit, mainly to keep us from falling asleep. She hugged me with one arm and played with my swollen nipple with her other hand.

"Sam?" she said, still snuggled into my shoulder, "Can we do this again, sometime? Sometime soon? I mean can I... will you..."

"Nurse you?" I finished for her.

"Yes. Please?"

"Of course. Anytime. You can be my baby anytime."

"Thank you... mommie. You know, you taste really good. You're better than ice cream."

"Ooooo. Thank you. What flavor would you say I am?"

"Somewhere between french vanilla and butter pecan — without the nuts, of course. I didn't know you could do that without being... you know... pregnant."

"Sure. You just have to have enough stimulation and it just happens. I've certainly had enough stimulation — so for me it's easy."

"You're amazing, you know that?" She picked up her head and looked into my eyes. I could smell milk on her breath. She hugged me tight. "I just want to stay right here all day."

"You don't want to go see what Mrs. Reynolds has found for you to wear?"

"Oh! I forgot all about that! They're probably wondering what happened to us."

"Don't worry." I told her. "No one will come looking. But I want to see you in something sexy. Not that what you have on right now isn't sexy." I stroked her thigh from her knee upward. She opened her legs and I stroked her pussy for her, too. She kissed me and I could taste my milk. I thought she might me right about the flavor.

"Next time," I told her, "I want to taste you." I spread my fingers, pulling her pussy open so there would be no question where I wanted to put my tongue.