The Wake-Up Call

Eventually, he collapsed backwards to sit on his heels with me in his lap, his cock still firmly embedded in me. The force of landing on the base of it suddenly forced my pussy open much wider and, although it should have hurt, I felt only a great wave of pleasure. He eased off on the bear hug he had me in and as our climax faded, he started to kiss me and stroke my back.

"Now that," he said huskily, "is a wake-up call. You can wake me up like that any day of the week, even on the weekend. Hell, especially on the weekend when we have more time. Now, we better hurry if we don't want to be late for school!"

School didn't seem very important to me at the moment. Nothing did, except staying right where I was as long as I could. Still, Bud wanted to get up, so I tried to unwind and get my legs under me. It was hard in the position we were in. His cock was still in me and felt like it was glued into my pussy. When I tried to pull off, it wouldn't let go.

"You're going to have to pry me off of your cock, lover." I said. "My pussy doesn't want to let go. I hope we're not stuck permanently!" I was teasing with that last, but it was a nice fantasy. I felt like I wanted to stay stuck on him for a long time. When he took his cock out, I was going to feel soooo empty.

Bud lay me down on my back and I took my legs from around his back. He braced his arms under mine and tried to back his cock out of me. At first, he dragged me with him.

"You've got to let go," he said, jerking his hips. My pussy muscles refused to let loose of the object that had given me more pleasure than I had ever known.

"I can't! We're stuck! You'll have to pull it out." I told him. I wasn't really trying very hard to relax my pussy. I wanted to make him work to get out of me. I wanted him to understand that my body wanted him and did not want to let him go.

"'K. Hang on." He pushed my knees up under my breasts. Pushing on the backs of my thighs, he tried to pull his cock out of me. Even with leverage, it was slow going. He grimaced as he slowly pulled it out of my tight grip. Bud and my pussy were playing tug-of-war with his cock.

"Damn, that's tight," he said when he had almost three inches out. "I don't want to hurt..." He stopped pulling and fell back on his elbows, laughing. "I almost said, 'I don't want to hurt you'. I keep forgetting who you are. Hold on." He swung his legs up beside me and put his feet under my armpits. Then he used the strength of his legs to pull his cock slowly out of me. Even this way, it took some time to work it free.

When the head finally came out, there was a loud, POP and Bud fell back on the foot of the bed, laughing. He reversed his position and put his head between my legs and looked curiously at my pussy.

I slid a hand between my legs and into the wide gap that used to be my small vaginal opening. I was right. It felt very, very empty without a cock in it. I pressed my labia together to try and shut the cavern he had made in me, but the empty feeling persisted and I knew I had been changed yet again. A big hard cock was no longer something I desired; it was something I was going to need from this moment on.

"Nice pussy," he said, bending down to kiss the swollen lips that I was holding shut. "Pretty pussy. Strong pussy!" I got the feeling he knew I hadn't been trying to help him get free and he appreciated the compliment that implied.

"That was fantastic, Bud." I told him, stroking his face. "Thank you."

"Damn girl! Don't thank me. You are the finest piece of ass I've ever had and I had ass all the way from here to the end of the driveway!" We both laughed at that and I crawled back into his arms. He was right. Neither of us was all that experienced, but it was hard to imagine that sex could be much better.

"Seriously," he said, "I want you to crawl into this bed any time you want to. Hell, I wish you would stay all night." He stopped there. I had the feeling that he did not want to push his luck too far.

"Do you mean that?" I asked. "Do you really want me to sleep with you? I mean spend all night in your bed and wake up together?"

"Sure!" he said.

"Because I would really like to do that, Bud. I would like to sleep with you."

"OK. But tell you what — we probably won't sleep too much, so let's wait until the weekend to do it. That way we can stay up all night if we want and not have to worry about school. Is that all right?"

"That's a wonderful idea!" I said. "It's a date! Friday night we will spend all night together. Oh, I can't wait! Now we better hurry and get ready or we will be late."

Bud went to take a shower and I waddled back across the hall with my fingers holding my pussy closed so I wouldn't leak cum all over the carpet. For a moment, I toyed with the idea of trying to keep it inside me so I could walk around all day full of cum. The idea of that was more attractive than the reality of having to deal with having to wear a pad when I wasn't having my period, so I left that for another time and instead raced into the bathroom and jumped onto the toilet.