"I hope the changes to the workshop will help with that," Bambi said. "They were in there all morning, banging away. You should be able to use it by the weekend. And maybe Master Li will be able to help with the rest."
"I hope so. And I can't wait to see what else you are having done to the workshop."
"Now, no peeking until Friday. I want it to be a surprise."
"OK, Mom." As usual, that got me a hug and a kiss at the next light.
Neeka dropped by after work, as she promised. I was up in my room, trying to get my wardrobe organized in my closet.
"Hi, Sam. Wow, what a lot of stuff! Did you clean out Morton's?" She asked as she picked up a microtop/microskirt set in gold lame
"Mom got me a new wardrobe to go with my new boobs. Doesn't this look familiar?"
"It looks just like the clothes she let us try on Sunday morning. You two are going to be the best dressed women in town. Men will be falling all over you."
"So far it's been all girls. Have you been picking up what's been going on?"
"Some. I have to try to screen it out, or I won't get my schoolwork done. When you are in range, it's like a radio playing. I can ignore it until you cum. Then I cum too."
"Uh oh. Should I try to hold out? I hope I'm not messing you up."
"No! As long as it's between classes, it's fine. The other day when I was giving a book report in my English V class, you took me by surprise. I claimed it was indigestion, which no one doubted since the cafeteria ladies are not known for their light hand with the lard. Mostly, it just really brightens my day. I'll be walking down the hall and WHAM, a climax. You know, you cum four or five times a day. And that's before school lets out."
We both giggled over that. I said, "I hope I'm not wearing you out."
"I'm not the one expending the energy. I just reap the benefits. One of which is that people think I'm losing my shyness because I'm so happy and relaxed all the time. I've gotten more in tips at the coffee shop in the last two days than I made in the previous two weeks. Your sex drive is making me rich."
"I guess that's a good thing, all right. Maybe I should get a commission? Nah. I'll find some way to take it out in trade." As I said that I leaned over the bed and kissed her. She kissed back hungrily and we made out for a bit before the pile of clothes distracted us and we went back to admiring Mr. Morton's handiwork as we organized my closet.
"So when can we take the bike out for a run?" Neeka asked, as she hung up my black velvet gown in what we had designated as the Formal section of the closet.
I should have known she had been thinking about the motorcycle. Ever since she had seen it she had wanted to take it out. Moving it to the garage had just whetted her appetite for riding the big machine. I still hadn't got over my initial fear of the thing. It had scared me silly both times I had been on it and I was not looking forward to a 'real' ride. I just knew Neeka would want to test the bike to its limits and I most definitely did not want to be part of a test-to-destruction. I tried to find some excuse to delay beyond the weekend, but nothing good came to mind.
"Friday," I said. "We'll take it out Friday night. Everything should be finished by then." I hoped that I wouldn't be on the list of finished items.
"Don't worry," she said, laughing, "I won't let you fall off." Considering that she had almost lost me going down the driveway, that wasn't completely reassuring.
I expected an argument about waiting so long before taking the bike out, but she had let me make the decision and I had, so she accepted it. I thought that was a good sign. If I was going to be out on the street, kicking ass and taking names, I wanted a partner who would back me up, not second-guess every decision I made, however trivial.
"You're the boss," she said. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. More responsibility. I was getting that feeling of being tensed-up again.
As soon as we had my closet as organized as it was likely to be, I changed into a pair of running shorts, sneakers, and a t-shirt and we went down to the back yard so I could let off some steam.
As soon as we set foot in the yard, Brute came bounding over. He ignored Neeka and jumped all over me. I had never seen an animal so happy to see me in my life. You would think it had been years, instead of just that morning when I fed and watered him, since he had seen me.
I wrestled him to the ground and we went rolling and tumbling around on the grass. At first he was gentle, but when I picked him up in my arms and shook him, he got the idea that I wasn't the creampuff that I appeared and he started playing rougher.
Rough was just what I wanted at the moment. When I scrambled to my feet, he tried to knock me back down again by pushing against my legs. I was afraid if he got me down I wouldn't be able to get back to my feet, so I kept pushing back. I was probably stronger, but he had the greater mass and a lower center of gravity, so he was getting the best of the pushing contest.