Playing with my Boobies

I casually put one hand into my cleavage and began stroking my breast. I pulled my shirt open and started running a finger around my nipple, making it stand up and beg for more attention. "But that also makes keeping the cum in your balls your problem alone. And I certainly hope it does not mean that you will be avoiding me. After all, you've already proven that you can make me cum and still be true to your girlfriend."

"I guess." Jim seemed less than certain that he would be able to continue to play with me and not have to cum for me.

"Good!" I said, looking to get him to confirm his commitment. After all, I did not want him thinking he had to avoid me. I still needed his help and his companionship and right them I needed his hands on my breasts. I opened my shirt all the way and used both hands to get my nipples stiff. "Then we have an understanding. You and I can still play, but I won't try to make you break your promise. Fair warning, though; Neeka will find out if you slip up and cum. So keep a tight grip on those big balls of yours."

Jim relaxed enough to put his hands on my breasts and take over the massage for me. He tweaked and pulled my hard nipples, getting rougher and making me hotter as he did so. I leaned back against the doorjamb and started fingering my pussy as he manhandled my breasts.

The bit about Neeka knowing was 'fair warning' indeed. I had no doubt at all that the snoopy redhead was listening avidly to the whole conversation and enjoying every second of it. I heard the sound of giggling in my head that confirmed my assumption.

"How long are you going to torture the poor boy?" I thought, while the boy in question worked to stretch out my nipples.

"Until one of us can't stand it any longer." I heard her say. "He's still too deferential to me. I have to be the aggressor and I want him to need me so bad that he quits thinking of me as a someone to put on a damn pedestal and starts thinking of me as a girl who needs a good fucking."

"So you're trying to give him a case of testosterone poisoning to get him to the point where he will rape you?"

"You can't rape someone who's doing her best to get you to fuck her." She said. "I want him to need to cum so badly that he will tear off my clothes and screw my pussy as brutally as he's treating your boobs. By the way, that's really turning me on. I'd be afraid if he were doing it to me, but feeling it through you is incredible. It's just so primal, so animalistic to be treated that way. I'm glad you wouldn't let him avoid you on account of me. Thanks for helping me get him worked up."

"You like him so much that you are trying to change him? What does this sound like?"

Again I heard a giggle. "I guess it sounds like I'm serious about Jim. Now shut up and let me enjoy this."

Jim pulled and twisted both my nipples until he had them stretched out far enough that he could almost wrap them around his fingers. I had frigged my pussy so deep that my hands were covered with my juice. I was trying to stay on the verge of cumming without going over the edge. I wanted to see what Jim would do next to torture my breasts.

Jim twisted my nipples between his fingers and pulled up on them, lifting my breasts up in front of my face and forcing me to stand on my toes. This made my clit throb so hard that I had to take my hands away so I would not cum. I put my hands behind my back and interlaced my fingers. I pushed my hands as far down the crack of my butt as I could, forcing my shoulders back and lifting my breasts high on my chest.

Jim braced himself and squared his shoulders. I knew what he was about to do and I almost came from the anticipation. He squeezed my nipples tight and pushed up as though he was doing a standing press with a barbell. I thought he could press more than my paltry 100 pounds, and when I felt my feet leave the floor and my high heels drop away from them he proved it. The pain and pleasure streaking through my breasts would have made me scream if I had been able to breathe. Being suspended by my nipples was still my best trick and the one that gave me the biggest charge. It was easily the strongest, most overwhelming sensation I could imagine. I wanted to hang like that forever, shaking with pleasure and pain.

Lifting a dead weight like a barbell is different from holding a live girl by her nips and Jim could only hold me for a few seconds before he had to lower me to the floor. My legs almost collapsed under me and I fell back against the doorjamb to keep from falling all the way to the floor.

My face must have betrayed the disappointment I felt at being let down so soon, because Jim turned and opened a drawer in the hutch beside us and started rooting around in it. I waited patiently for him to find whatever he was after with my hands still locked behind me and my breasts raised for his attention.

When he turned from the drawer he had a small white plastic device in his hand and he was smiling. I did not recognize the device. It had a square opening on top about an inch wide and a knob on the side. Jim held it up so I could see into the opening and turned the knob. Inside were a set of plastic rollers with square teeth that meshed together.