Saturday Night Party

Of course, this had very interesting possibilities for someone like me who needed to climax every couple of hours to keep things balanced between her cerebrum and her clitoris. For one thing, it meant that I could get a head start on things before I got to the restroom stall to finish off. It would be much easier to covertly stimulate my nipples than my clit while sitting in a classroom full of people. A notebook, a forearm, or just leaning over and letting them rub on the desktop would be sufficient. Working my clit meant a lot of leg-crossing and squirming that was all too noticeable in a crowded classroom.

The downside was that, under most of my clingy tops, my breasts would look like the ends were capped with jumbo muffin tops with gumdrops stuck on them. (Never try to write when you're hungry. It plays hell with your choice of analogies.) When I was aroused, the size of everything out there would double. Anyone caring to look would know that I was ready to pop.

I thought about that for a while, and decided that having a reputation as an over-sexed blonde suited me better than a reputation as a dumb blonde. Ever since Bambi had suggested that, I'd found it distasteful, but I hadn't been able to think of an alternative. Now I had one that could work to my advantage in several different ways. My breasts already marked me as sexually advanced. No one would be surprised that a girl with such large boobs was also a sex kitten. And no one would think that someone like that might have a secret identity. Of course, lots of people might just assume that I was a dumb oversexed blonde, but at least I would not have to act stupid all the time. That was something that was hard to do in school and keep my grades up at the same time. Bambi would have to accept this version of my cover identity on that basis alone. Also acting like a sex-crazed teenager would be much less of a stretch for my acting skills. I suppose there is a lot to be said for typecasting.

Another advantage to my revised cover was that I could get away with a lot by blaming it on my raging hormones. Any slips in behavior or stifled orgasms in class or sudden absences or tardiness could be blamed on things outside of my control. As long as I did not fuck the entire varsity football team on the steps of the administration building, I would probably be safe from censure. Heck, if I did fuck the entire varsity football team on the steps of the administration building, it would probably be covered up because I was a just a poor unfortunate girl who was the product of a broken home.

I dropped the whole line of thought when it became clear that I was becoming fascinated with the idea of fucking the entire varsity... well, you get the picture.

I was so tired-out from our lovemaking that Bambi offered to let me crash in her bed. Although the idea appealed to me, I begged off on the grounds that it was a school night and we might become distracted and I might not get the sleep I needed. I didn't bother to explain that I needed a full night's sleep if I was going to give Bud his wake-up call in the morning. I was sure Bambi wouldn't object to that, but I didn't want to sound like I was picking him over her. When I asked for a rain-check on sharing a bed, I remembered my date with Bud on Friday and also my plans for Saturday night.

"Would you mind if I had some friends over on Saturday night?" I asked.

"Not at all," she said. "Anyone I'd know?"

"Just a couple of girls from school. Jolene Maddox and Janice Dempsey." I thought for a second about what I knew about Janice and Jolene, which wasn't much. "They are both my age, but Jolene seems a couple of years younger. We got together through a mutual acquaintance just the other day, and I don't know much about either of them, except that Janice's cousin is in show business." I was thinking about telling Bambi how Janice had offered to help me get a job in the adult film industry. Apparently my expression gave something away because she became suspicious.

"And what makes me think Janice's cousin isn't a ventriloquist working the borscht-belt?" she asked with a grin.

"She goes by the name Summer Winters, and if that isn't clue enough, she's probably one of Mr. Morton's more confidential clients."

"Oh my goodness! How did this subject come up?" Bambi seemed genuinely interested in Janice and her cousin.

"Janice offered to have her cousin get me a job in the movies."

"And you explained that... ?"

"Oh yes. Regretfully, I said I had a career already planned. She said it was good to have an alternative, in case Plan A fell through."

Bambi laughed so hard she almost fell off the bed.

"And just what's so funny about that?" I asked in an incensed tone. "I could be an adult film starlet if I wanted."

"Oh no!" she giggled. "It's not that. You are actually over-qualified by their standards. I was just imagining Janice pitching this offer to you. It must have been funny as all get-out!"

"It was pretty funny," I admitted. "She told me this sad story about her poor dysfunctional cousin that I was sure was going to end in some kind of moral about how sex could ruin your life. When she told me her cousin was looking for a protégée, I almost choked on my lunch. I think Janice would like to follow in her famous cousin's footsteps, but her parents won't let her. She is certainly proud of cousin Shirlene. Her Aunt and Uncle are getting five thousand a month from their porn-star daughter, who by all reports is happy as can be in her new job, so they're not complaining. But they're not broadcasting it, either."