A Sex-Kitten in full Arousal

Not that the break wasn't welcome, but my lack of sexual tension bothered me. I had gone most of the morning and I was still cool as a cuke. The last time I climaxed was early that morning when Bud filled up my womb for me. It suddenly hit me that that might be what had immunized me against needing sexual release - I was still carrying a full load of Bud's cum inside me. I supposed that it must be soaking into the walls of my uterus and leaking male hormones into my bloodstream. In the same way that the pill or the patch protected me from pregnancy, the male hormones in cum might be protecting me from my own overactive female hormones. I knew that the female hormones in the pill prevented pregnancy by tricking my body into thinking it was already pregnant and rejecting any attempts to get pregnant again. I wondered if a similar process might be tricking my body into thinking it had just had sex, thereby preventing me from getting horny again. It was yet another field in which I did not have enough knowledge to make an educated guess, but it was a fascinating idea and one with which I could have a lot of fun experimenting.

After Algebra class I visited the girl's restroom. When I checked the pad I had worn against the possibility of cum-leakage, I found it was clean and dry. I decided that if nothing had dribbled out in four hours, I was probably safe so I threw the pad away. The darn thing was even more uncomfortable than usual, probably because I had got out of the habit of wearing panties. Now, it felt like the trapped heat was stifling my pussy. Since I didn't need the panties to hold the pad, I took them off and put them in the outside pocket of my bag. Once free of its cotton confinement, my pussy was much more comfortable.

Since I wasn't turned-on, and therefore more in control of myself, I felt safer looking sexier. I took off my bra, whose support I really didn't need. I only wore it to keep my nipples from showing through my clothes. Now, I wanted them to show. I wanted to invite stares and maybe even some comments, particularly from boys.

As long as I was going to show-off, I decided to go as far as I dared. I unbuttoned my shorts and pulled the slider of the zipper down a couple of inches before folding the lever down to lock it in place. Since I had the shorts riding higher than before, having them open wasn't revealing much, but I knew that the idea that they might just fall off any second would be irresistible to someone looking at me. The possibility certainly excited me, but I was relying on my 'inoculation' to get me through the next period at least.

I had just finished my wardrobe adjustments when the bell rang announcing the start of the next class period. I snatched up my bag and dashed out of the restroom without checking my appearance in the mirror. If I had, I might have noticed the small flaw in my attire.

Even though the bell had rung, I made it to the room ahead of my teacher, who was just returning from the Teacher's Lounge at the far end of the hall. I was in my front-row seat when class began, so technically I wasn't late.

Mr. Locke walked straight to his podium and opened the Social Studies textbook that we had been using for a syllabus all year in his class. He looked around the room to make sure he had everyone's attention before he began his usual short review of what we had covered so far this week and asked for us to hand in any outstanding homework. When his eyes came to me, he stopped and stared for a couple of seconds. When he had looked over the whole room, I saw him look back at me again and I sat up as straight as I could to give him a good look.

I expected some looks, but not from a 30-something year-old Social Studies teacher who had been here during the dare-to-bare year of teenage fashion. Surely he had seen nipples poking against cotton-knit fabric before?

He tore his eyes away and began his review. He looked uncomfortable. He pulled his sport coat closed and fastened the bottom button. As he did so, he leaned forward slightly. It was an odd thing for a man who mostly hung his coat over the chair behind his desk and even odder given that the air-conditioning in our school wasn't the greatest in the world and the temperature inside was never close to being chilly.

The simple answer had to be that he was hiding a growing erection. "Surely not," I thought. He had seen me in the same seat all week with my bust-line on display. Why now should I... "Oops!" I thought. I was about to ask what was different, when I remembered that I had made a change. My nipples and areolas were much larger today and I had just taken off my bra to show them off. I realized that I should have taken the time to check my appearance in the mirror.

My enhanced HH-cup breasts were so large and rode so high on my chest that my nipples were beyond my normal view. Even after I had enlarged my areolas and nipples, I still needed a mirror to see the tips of my breasts. I had just about come to terms with having much of my body hidden from view, and I had forgotten the old adage "out of sight, out of mind". I even remembered that I had predicted what might happen if I let my condition show through my clothes. Mr. Locke had taken one look at me and seen what he took for a sex-kitten in full arousal. The sight had triggered a biological reaction beyond his control.