The Boys' Locker Room?

As she sipped at the hot liquid, Janice asked, "Did you rinse that out?"

Sara smiled and swallowed, "Of course not. I didn't need to after Jolene licked it clean."

Jolene blushed and the rest of us giggled as we remembered Jolene asking Bud for more cum. It was one of the sweetest and funniest moments I had ever seen.

"Don't pick on Jolene, now," I admonished Sara. "She probably thought he could turn it on and off like a tap."

"More like a fire hose," Sara said. "That gorgeous boy usually comes by the bucketful. You must have sapped him before he got here."

"I did. I admit it. And it was wonderful." I wanted to tell them that I was still carrying his sperm inside me, but I decided to keep that to myself.

Sara noticed that the rest of us were bolting our food. She asked, "Is this some kind of race? You'd think you three hadn't eaten for a week."

Janice looked at me to see if I objected to having Sara know about our plans. I nodded. Around a mouthful of rubbery chicken she said, "We're going to go have a little fun on our lunch hour. Sam showed us something that really makes your day."

Jolene piped up, "But you have to go someplace where your screams can't be heard." She giggled as she ate a spoonful of lukewarm canned corn.

"Aha!" Sara said, grasping the situation immediately. "This wouldn't be the BumbleBee, would it?"

"You know about it?" Jolene asked.

"Sure," Sara said. Before she could explain further, I jerked my head at her and she became vague. "I'm happy to say I have been BumbleBee'd. It was fantastic! I've never cum so hard in my life."

"Would you like to join us for a nooner?" I asked Sara. "Four of us would make things more... balanced. And I'm sure Janice and Jolene would love to have you." I giggled at my play on words, but all I got in response was a groan from Sara.

"Where do you go?" Sara asked.

"To the restroom downstairs next to the storage room." Janice said.

"Eeew!" Sara exclaimed. "Isn't that nasty down there?"

"Do you know someplace better?" I asked. "A king-size bed with lots of pillows would be nice."

"As a matter of fact, I do," Sara said. "There is a storage closet for wrestling mats over in the gym. No pillows, but it's got a big stack of mats in it."

"That sounds great," Jolene said.

"Can we get in?" Janice asked.

"Sure," Sara said. "They keep the door locked on the gym side, but there is another door that we can get in. No one will be in the building during lunch, so we can make all the noise we want."

"Sounds great!" I said. Janice and Jolene nodded their assent to the change as they gulped the last of their lunch.

We left the dining hall by the side door so no one would see us going down the hall toward the gym. Sara led the way down a breezeway between two buildings and around the corner of the old classroom building into the covered walkway. As the school had grown, they had built new buildings right next to old ones and in places where open space was originally supposed to be. That and the overgrown hedges along the walks made it possible to avoid being seen as we made our way into the gym.

We quickly arrived in the main entrance, where, empty or not, we tiptoed past the doors to the big main room. Sara waved us down the stairs into the basement and we followed, single-file.

It was in the basement hallway that we balked. Sara turned left into the boys' locker room and the rest of us didn't.

"What's wrong?" She said, sticker her head around the concrete wall.

"Doh! This is the Boys' Locker Room, Sara!" Janice said.

"Yeah, and it's the only way in." Sara said. "Look, there's no one here. They're all in the dining hall and the next class isn't for 45 minutes. So c'mon."

Reluctantly, Janice and Jolene let themselves be dragged in. I expected a bigger argument from Jolene, but she was fearless as long as she was in a group.

We walked through the rows of lockers with their smell of rank sweat; past the restroom, with its unfamiliar fixtures; and past the shower room, which was identical to the one in the girl's locker room on the other side of the wall. I noticed that there was some damage to the tiles on the far wall. I wondered if there had been attempts to dig a peephole so the boys could watch us in the showers. I made a mental note to remember to check the grout lines on the other side for gaps.

Past the showers there was a metal door with no lock or handle. Sara pushed it open it and we hustled through into a short hallway with a set of stairs leading up to the main gym floor. The door swung shut behind us.

At the top of the stairs was another metal door. This one was locked, but Sara jimmied it easily with her library card. Inside, the room was full of a stack of wrestling mats with parts of the circle painted on them. Unlike the tumbling mats that were in constant use, these were only taken out for official matches.

The room was almost exactly the size of the stack of mats, so we had to climb up onto the pile to get into the room. There was no light fixture, but a pale white light came in through a small frosted tilt-out window near the ceiling on the outside wall. The window was open a few inches, so there was fresh air in the room. The gym-side wall had a wide double-door, with a security bar and a big lock, but the door we had come through had only a plain doorknob lock. I couldn't imagine why someone had thought it necessary to provide a rear entrance with a staircase to this storage room, but I had seen enough half-done changes and make-do add-on construction around the school that it was not that unusual.