But we'll be NAKED!

"Oh Yes!" I cried out. "Suck them! Suck them hard! Suck them dry!" Nearly delirious from cumming a second time so quickly, I grabbed my breasts and started squeezing them to force more milk into the mouths of my lovers. As a boy ejaculates cum into a girl's pussy, it seemed that my breasts were ejaculating milk into their mouths.

Janice stuffed two fingers into my sopping pussy and started to fuck me hard and fast. As if by reflex, my legs spread apart to let her get as deep as she could. I could feel her hand slapping against my clit with every stroke and each slap sent a shockwave through me. I rocked my hips and thrust my pelvis into her palm, increasing the impact.

Just as the focus seemed to shift from my breasts to my clit, Jolene scraped her teeth over the nipple she had sucked completely into her mouth. The shot of pleasure sparked a third orgasm just at the peak of the other two and I rolled my eyes back in their sockets and passed out.

When I climbed back to consciousness, I could still feel someone's mouth suckling my nipples and licking the rivulets of milk from my breasts. I opened my eyes to see Sara bent over me, having dessert at my expense.

"Am I still better than ice cream?" I asked.

"You sure are!" she said, and turned her attention back to my breasts. With all the attention they had gotten, they felt fantastic. Every lick, every suck was almost a mini-climax.

I looked around to see where Janice and Jolene had gone. I didn't have to look far. They were on my other side, locked in the 69 position, licking each other's pussy. They were so wrapped up in each other that I decided not to disturb them.

I sat up with my legs crossed and Sara put her head in my lap. I bent over slightly to put a breast at her disposal and she latched on, closed her eyes and began to nurse. I cradled her head in my hands to make her more comfortable and she sighed contentedly.

I sat there glowing with pleasure and fulfillment and watched Janice and Jolene make love. I hadn't thought much about sex as a performance art, but it seemed to me that there could be few sights as beautiful as the one before me. Janice's cousin Shirlene would be very proud of her if she could see this. Sex is a beautiful thing in general, but the two sleek bodies of my friends intertwined in that symmetrical embrace struck me as something that should be preserved for posterity. I felt honored to be a witness to such beauty.

I was so entranced by the scene that I did not pay close attention when Sara stopped nursing and got up. Jolene and Janice had just brought each other to a mutual climax and I was tempted to stand and applaud. I saw Sara out of the corner of my eye, moving around the edge of the mat collecting our clothes. I watched Janice and Jolene collapse into a tangle of naked flesh as their orgasms spun down. I saw Sara stand on tiptoe and reach up to the open window and push the bundle of our clothes through.

"What did you just do?" I cried, my voice full of shock and dismay. Janice and Jolene rolled apart to look at Sara. They hadn't seen what I had.

"What?" Janice said, groggily. "What's going on?"

"Sara just threw all our clothes out the window," I said, dumfounded.

Jolene looked around in disbelief, expecting to see her clothes where she left them. When she had looked all around the tiny room, she looked at Sara with a look that should have turned the poor girl to stone.

"Hey, it'll be fun," Sara explained. "We just have to go down the stairs and back through the locker room and around to the other side. There's a side door that opens between the gym and the back of the garage. We can go out there and get our clothes." She looked at us with a devilish smile that I recognized. Last time, I had been the one wearing it.

"But we'll be NAKED!" Janice exclaimed. "You even threw our shoes out there, you ditz!"

Jolene's face seemed to alternate between stark terror and erotic fascination. I could understand, since I was feeling exactly the same way. This was really scary and really hot at the same time.

"If we're quick, we can make it," I said, hopefully. "And we really don't have a choice, do we?"

"Nope," Sara said. "And we have at least..." She looked at her wristwatch to see how long was left in the lunch hour. Before she could give us the bad news, we heard the bell ringing in the gym. We had ten minutes to get our clothes, dress and get to class.

"We'll never make it," Sara said.

"Not if we sit here like bumps on a log," Jolene said, jumping unsteadily to her feet and lurching for the door. She turned the knob, pushed it open, and four nudists went scrambling down the stairs, our skin prickling and our nipples hardening as we realized what we were about to do.

At the bottom of the stairs, Jolene grabbed the handle and was about to fling the door open and race through when she remembered that the room on the other side was the Boys' Locker Room and she was about to walk into it buck-naked. She froze and her eyes went wide with terror.

I skidded to a barefoot stop and almost ran into her. Sara did run into me. Janice brought up the rear.

Sara took one look at Jolene and saw what the problem was. She put her arms around Jolene's waist and hugged her. She slid her right hand down to Jolene's pussy and curled her fingers around to slide them between her swollen lips. Jolene moaned and her eyes closed briefly as Sara's fingers slid inside her.