Mutual Washing

I stopped for a moment and thought about corners. Dad was a race fan and I had seen many races on TV, so I thought I knew something about speed. Some race cars couldn't corner worth a damn either. They needed a high-banked track to keep from sliding off. Some faster cars had big wings to hold them to the road. That wasn't an option for me. Some small cars seemed to corner well, but their drivers slowed way down to do it and then accelerated away in the straights.

I made another lap, this time slowing and leaning in the corners and accelerating on the straightaways. It was maddening to be slowing down all the time, when what I wanted was speed, but I found I could make much better speed overall with this technique. It was really exhilarating to be able to run fast down the length of the field.

On what I decided was to be the last lap, I got going really fast and before I knew it, I was running out of field. I had let my enthusiasm carry me away again and I knew I was going to hit something... and hard. With seconds to go before I smacked into the fence I picked up my feet and flexed my legs. When I hit the ground, I kicked off as hard as I could and went sailing right over the ten foot tall fence surrounding the practice field.

As I crossed the fence with several feet to spare I had a premonition that I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. When I could predict where I would land, I saw that my jump was going to carry me into the small parking lot behind the gym and right into the side of the parked activity bus.

Desperately, I flung out my arms and legs to increase the air resistance on my hurtling form and make me land beside the bus. It looked like it was going to work, but I would still be carrying enough speed to make it impossible to stop before I crashed into it. I could spread-eagle on the ground and try slide under, but that would mean a nasty road-rash. I decided to try to rebound over it.

When my feet hit on the asphalt, I kicked sharply again and flew right up in the air and over the bus. My arc this time was much more vertical and I came down only fifteen feet on the other side of the bus. I did a mid-air flip and came down in a perfect three-point landing from which I walked away casually, trying not to attract attention.

As casual as I tried to appear, I was anything but on the inside. I had built up enough adrenalin to make me want to scream. Like the football players said going into a game, I was 'stoked'. As soon as I got around the far side of the gym, I started skipping. I hadn't done that in years. I felt like I was six again.

When I got to the door that we had come out of looking for our clothes, I grabbed the handle and yanked it open. Too late, I heard the screech of metal that told me the door had been locked. It was a firedoor that opened easily from the inside but was locked from outside. I had ripped the lock apart. I stepped inside and pulled the door shut. I would just have to hope nobody noticed the damage and connected it with me.

Adrenalin, I remembered, augmented normal strength by a significant percentage. Apparently it augmented mine proportionally. I had called on my adrenalin when I made Mr. Morton's souvenir for him. Now I had seen the destruction I could cause if I wasn't careful.

I slipped down the hall and arrived in the locker room just as the showers started going on. Even with all the running, I hadn't broken a serious sweat, but I was sort of dewy, so I stripped out of my gym clothes and grabbed my soap.

When I got to the shower room it was crowded. As I peered into the cloud of steam, I saw three girls waving at me to join them. I went to the one in the back. Her name was Dina and she was in my Algebra class. She seemed to be one of the smarter students and we had been competing for Miss Connor's attention with our questions.

"Hi, Dina!" I said. "You want to be first?"

In answer she held up a soapy washcloth. "No, you first," she said, and I turned around and let her start on my back while I soaped my cloth.

She had a nice touch. I hadn't noticed, but the muscles in my calves and shoulders were pretty bunched up. She got the tension worked out while getting me clean. The sensual side of cleanliness seemed to be catching on. As Dina did my back, I looked around and saw several other pairs of girls engaged in mutual washing. Apparently I had started a fad.

With other people doing it, it seemed a much more natural thing and I didn't get as turned on as I had before. It was still a lot of fun, though and Dina seemed to be enjoying it.

When it was her turn to be washed, Dina became skittish. I tried to be gentle, but she still squeaked when I touched her in sensitive places. When I washed between her legs, she got shaky and started to go weak at the knees. I pushed her up against the tile wall and washed her there again. Her eyelids fluttered and her toes curled and I knew she had had a little orgasm. Poor girl needed to masturbate more.

While I waited for Dina to recover, I checked the wall for peepholes. Either there weren't any or there was too much steam for me to be able to see them. Too bad, I thought. I looked around at the girls in the shower with me and tried to see it from a boy's point of view. I realized that if I could tape us taking a shower, I could make a fortune selling it on the Internet. I reflected that maybe I should get in touch with Shirlene after all. I was looking forward to seeing one of her films on Saturday.